
This paper objective is to present a case study to define an empirical correlation of oil performance with horizontal well's drilling and completion parameters in Field ‘L’ in Vaca Muerta, using simplified data analytics. This paper shall outline the methodology which include systematic approach of production data screening and selection, well performance parameter relation with drilling and completion design parameters discussion.


The usage of empirical ’K coefficient’ in this data analytics to describe completion design efficiency was firstly introduced by Kuuskraa and Murray in 2021, who applied it on Mowry Shale wells in Powder River Basin, Wyoming. However, on top of replicating similar method to long term estimated oil recovery (EUR), this paper shall extend the ’K coefficient’ correlation concept to early time well performance that is often overlooked during production ramping up period which is crucial for optimum drawdown management practices.


This methodology is applied to a shale oil in Field ‘L,’ Vaca Muerta formation in Argentina of more than 6 years of production data and more than 100 wells drilled. The result is used in estimating the performance of a new completion design, in cost effective and time efficient manner. Furthermore, it is also used as a tool in diagnosing current wells production performance problems and assessing optimum choke selection for variation of completion designs.

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