This methodology was evaluated in wells with natural flow and Gas Lift (GL) in Non-Conventional oil in Vaca Muerta and its use as a paraffin cleaning tool was technically validated through analyses carried out with the multidisciplinary team. Also, the What if risk analysis with which improvement actions were recommended based on the safety of people, the environment, and the company.
In the analysis of previous interventions, it was detected that some SL interventions had more time, or it was not possible to dewax the well with the use of conventional methodologies. Therefore, in order to avoid the use of higher cost equipment (Coiled Tubing), we evaluated and implemented the use of a hot tool in wells with total tubing obstruction due to paraffin.
The main objective is to dewax the wells in less time and cost by using a hot tool and compare it with conventional methodologies used in interventions with Slick line equipment. Additionally, to reduce production loss and improve efficiency in the use of resources.
To achieve this, we took on the following challenges:
✓ Validate the functionality of the service and the efficiency of the equipment for paraffin cleaning in the well.
✓ To elaborate and validate the operational program and the necessary documentation for the intervention based on the safety of people, the environment, and the company.
✓ Evaluate the efficiency of the operation in terms of time and cost reduction.
As a result, the safety of people, the environment and the company were guaranteed throughout the intervention and the functionality of the dewaxing equipment service and operational documents of the intervention were validated. Additionally, the use of the hot tool was rationalized, obtaining profitable results due to a saving of 73% compared to a Coiled Tubing intervention and a savings of 21% compared to a conventional intervention. Also, it is important to say that the three pilot's wells were dewaxed totally.