An aquifer identification and characterization workflow is presented for the Neuquén province. Thanks to the joint work between Pluspetrol, the provincial authority and lab’s professionals, it was possible to standardize a workflow methodology that can be used by any company within any block of the basin that meets the legal requirements and standards for the preservation of the provincial water resource. The proposed workflow includes indirect petrophysical techniques, as well as direct sampling, which, although widely used in the oil & gas industry, were adapted considering a hydrogeological approach. Recommendations based on the field sampling experience and lab analysis are included as to standardize the processes, increasing the results confidence and reducing significantly the associated uncertainty. Currently, protection of all aquifer levels with less than 3000 ppm of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is required by the provincial authority. Therefore, tool supervision, as well as custody and careful lab analysis must be strictly followed. The analyzed levels should be framed regionally, and their waters classified based on their chemical characteristics, determining their drinkable and/or irrigation suitability. The results obtained from the implementation of this methodology contributes to reduce uncertainty in the estimation of the groundwater static level, as well as to optimize drilling times and costs, motivating other companies to incorporate it into their workflows and, Neuquén authorities, to promote and recommend its implementation at a regional scale.
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SPE/AAPG/SEG Latin America Unconventional Resources Technology Conference
November 16–18, 2020
Standardized Workflow for Aquifer Characterization in Neuquen Unconventional Oil & Gas Blocks
Lisandro G. Rodríguez;
Lisandro G. Rodríguez
Pluspetrol S.A.
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John B. Angel Alvarez;
John B. Angel Alvarez
Pluspetrol S.A.
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Betina Laurenzano;
Betina Laurenzano
Subsecretaria de Recursos Hídricos de la Provincia de Neuquén
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Nadia Curetti;
Nadia Curetti
Subsecretaria de Recursos Hídricos de la Provincia de Neuquén
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Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Latin America Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Virtual, November 2020.
Paper Number:
November 16 2020
Rodríguez, Lisandro G., Reynaldi, Juan M., Alvarez, John B. Angel, María, Sebastian, Laurenzano, Betina, Curetti, Nadia, and Jaime Faundes. "Standardized Workflow for Aquifer Characterization in Neuquen Unconventional Oil & Gas Blocks." Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Latin America Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Virtual, November 2020. doi:
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