Managing water production in fractured carbonate reservoirs is a big challenge due to the uncertainties surrounding conductivity and the fracture matrix. Early water breakthrough from fractures due to the contrast in fluids mobility, particularly in horizontal barefoot completion wells, can lead to shut-in wells and by-passed oil, which cannot be produced without modifying the well design. Subsurface Technologies such as inflow control completions capable of stopping highly mobile water producing from fractures and stimulating by-passed oil to flow would be needed.

This paper describes a successful pilot application of the Autonomous Inflow Control Valve (AICV) completion in horizontal wells producing dead oil from two carbonate fields in UAE. It summarizes the technical learnings, the deployment strategy and the design philosophy followed.

The technology in principle can identify fluid flowing through it and restrict the high water or gas saturated zones autonomously while stimulating oil production from healthy oil-saturated zones.

The Autonomous Control valves can differentiate the fluid flowing through it via fluid properties such as viscosity and density at reservoir conditions, with a design based on Hagen-Poiseuille and Bernoulli's principles. Based on the Integrated performance reviews, the technology has shown the benefit of accelerating oil production as well as reduction of unwanted water which not only reduces the OPEX of these wells but at the same time has a positive impact on the environment and Green House Gases (GHG) emissions.

The delivered results supported the adoption of the technology on similar conditions and challenges. The provided solution effectiveness is continuously monitored to improve Lower completion design and increase production uptime.

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