Hydraulic Fracturing is a water intensive operation with utilization of millions of gallons of fresh water in each well stimulation operation. For a sustainable future it is important to conserve fresh water by replacing it with water from alternative resources such as discarded water from NGL plants and seawater. However, utilization of these waters poses significant performance drawbacks due to factors such as water incompatibility with fracturing fluid additives that may lead to formation damage and lowering of well productivity. To overcome these drawbacks new fracturing fluid chemistries, need to be developed that can deliver the optimal well stimulation performance.

In this paper we showcase the development and field applications of two new fracturing fluids that were developed utilizing the discard water for NGL plants and high salinity seawater, respectively. We discuss the excellent performance of these fracturing fluids in enhancing the well productivity and providing a sustainable alternative to fresh water in hydraulic fracturing operations supporting the circular water economy. The new fluid systems were evaluated in several key aspects during laboratory development including, rheology performance and formation damage potential. Extensive compatibility studies were performed with fluids that were the part of operational pumping schedule including main acids and viscoelastic diverters. Further, design of operational programs for successful implementation towards enhancing well productivity in acid fracturing operations will be discussed.

The new fracturing fluids demonstrated excellent high temperature stability, compatibility with acid fracturing fluids and minimal formation damage. The developed fracturing fluids were able to reach a stable viscosity in less than 5 minutes showcasing excellent hydration behavior. Rheological performance tested at 300 °F showed stable viscosity above 300 cP. Because of high salinity of the discard water and seawater the fracturing fluids were developed using a new scale inhibitor. Formation damage tests resulted in high regain permeability of > 85%. Field stimulation treatments in acid fracturing operations using the new discard water from NGL plants as well as seawater based fracturing fluid showcased excellent flowback performance with no reservoir damage. It was shown that the fracturing fluid based on discharged water from the NGL can be utilized in stimulation operations without any pre-treatment of this water whereas, the seawater requires a sulfate removal treatment prior to field application.

New fracturing fluids based on alternative water resources to fresh water were developed and field deployed with excellent productivity enhancement performance. These fracturing fluid systems provide a sustainable alternative to fresh water in addition to supporting the circular water economy.

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