The excess of water production from oil and gas wells in several areas of the oil field is a subject of concern for reservoir management. A conformance chemical treatment can be used to improve the production profile of a well and minimize unwanted water. Unwanted water production causes major economic, operational, and environmental problems during oilfield operations. First time, Nano chemicals are implemented as a safe and unique system with a great deal of benefit in terms of well productivity enhancement taking into consideration the most challenging limestone carbonate reservoir characteristics such as tight permeability. In addition, selection well candidates from Middle East oil fields were made to treat subject oil wells that encountered high water cuts. The designed nano chemical is to be more reliable and new advanced technology to reduce produced water in oil wells. Nano chemicals have no negative impact on artificial lift systems such as ESP equipment. The nano chemical is biochemical and friendly environmental handling. Chemistry solutions are required to remove the negative impacts of high-water cut on oil wells through well treatments by reducing/minimizing the produced water from a reservoir. That water contains natural salts and organic compounds with injected chemicals that need pre-treatment up to the permissible limit of environmental legislation at onshore environments. Smart nanotechnology with biosurfactants demonstrated high thermal stability and affinity to meet the technical challenges of reservoir conditions, element environmental crises, and improve deep reservoir penetration. The first time Smart nano-based particles are combined with biochemical to develop stronger and more durable formulations for water applications in the oil and gas industry and has been implemented in the Middle East successfully. This paper explores chemical water shutoff techniques, and well stimulation technologies to lower unwanted water production, improve sweep efficiency, and reduce the environmental impact. The wells criteria selection for field trial is based on treating the most difficult and challenging wells with serious issues related to productivity decline, and high water cut. Several previous chemical treatment attempts were conducted with a low rate of success. The field cases showed a high rate of success and an increase in the productivity rate of treated oil wells with a reduction in produced water.

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