This paper describes the systematic approach towards nullifying the water production from the oilwell by setting an inflatable and pumping water shut off solution beneath. An onshore oil producing well in the United Arab Emirates was producing high water-cut impacting overall oil production and increasing water production and treatment requirements. The objective of the well is to improve oil production and reduce water production. Well data was reviewed systematically including completion limitations, deviation survey, sour conditions along with recently carried out production logging information. The production logs identified that the lowermost zone is producing most of the water and needed to be shut off.

The solution was designed with an inflatable retainer system having 2.125″ outer diameter and customized water shut off solution. The pressure differential capacity of this inflatable packer was evaluated using a software simulation and chemical water shut-off solution was designed within the limitation inflatable packer minimum differential capability. Proper lab testing of the Chemicals was carried out to finalize the setting time. The volume of chemical was finalized based on geological features and shut-off intervals. In summary a Coil tubing Conveyed solution was finalized after screening other possible bull head options.

The solution was implemented at the candidate well after overcoming the operational challenges, completion restrictions and resources limitations. The paper highlights the candidate evaluation, solution screening, lab testing, execution challenges and successful results. In summary the solution reduced more than 700 BWPD of water production that resulted in saving treatment cost, water handling capability limitation and power optimization in producing the well using ESP system. This rig less solution provided an economic alternative for avoiding unwanted water while enhancing oil production capacities that resulted in increasing well life and profitability.

This new approach of setting an inflatable cement retainer and pump the water shut off solution in rig less environment at wells having tubing restrictions provides an alternative solution that avoids the requirement of workover rigs and minimum timeframe to put back well on production.

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