Bit hydraulics is an important factor for obtaining proper hole cleaning and optimized drilling rate or rate of penetration (ROP). The drilling engineer and drilling Foreman must be aware about the effect of drilling bit hydraulics on the drilling operation. The knowledge and interpretation of the drilling hydraulics are the keys of acquiring drilling optimization. Understanding the circulating pressure or mud pump pressure that includes pressure loss of surface equipment, pressure loss of drilling string, pressure loss of mud motor, pressure loss of bit and pressure loss of annulus, is so critical.

Additionally, a comprehension of hydraulics will help properly to utilize maximum power that is available to drill hole and know the effect on pressure losses. Knowledge from this research will help in modeling drilling bit hydraulics more accurately and therefore optimize rate of penetration. Also, will introduce a new robust rate of penetration model that takes into consideration the effect of drilling bit hydraulics before spud or start drilling hole section. This is the first study to develop such a new methodology and validate for drilling bit hydraulics on rate of penetration in a real time.

There are several theoretical methods, and models have been proposed to determine the rate of penetration models that are not applicable in drilling and work-over operations and were not including the influences of drilling rig or bit hydraulics properly. The critical influence to have an optimized rate of penetration is extremely dependent on implementing proper drilling bit hydraulics. Drilling bit hydraulics from same formation section, mud type, rig and bit hydraulics were collected and analyzed to determine their effect on ROP. A strong new model, methodology and strategy were established for optimized bit hydraulics to confirm high drilling rate to reduce the drill time and accelerate wells delivery.

Drilling bit hydraulics such as total flow area of nozzles (TFA), jet velocity of nozzles (Vn), pressure loss of bit (dPb), Hydraulic horsepower of bit (HHP), hydraulic horsepower of bit per square inches (HSI), jet impact force (Fj) were considered in this methodology.

The methodology confirms optimum well drilling performance that can facilitate to improve the rate of penetration to assist drilling engineers and foremen to reduce the drilling time. Validation of deployment of this model has shown improved rate of penetration by more than 50%.

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