The availability of new technologies and communication systems allowed the Corporate’s Medical Department to start the implementation of a new approach in health protection and prevention, emergency management as well as in monitoring of employees with certain health risks.

Reports analysing the repatriation cases starting with year 2006 highlighted a high percentage of pathologies related to cardiovascular system representing the main not-work related cause for early work shift interruption. In fact this group of pathologies held the first place in the top three main causes of repatriation for 5 years in a row until 2011 when finally it has been dethroned by digestive diseases pathologies group.

After implementation of Tele-cardiology, it was expected that the number of repatriations due these illness (or at least those preventable) to gradually decrease in the following years.

Persons who are considered fit for work but have a certain chronic pathology, increased level of CV risk (diabetics, Hypertensive, impaired fats metabolism, cardiopathy, obesity, post AMI, by pass surgery, etc.) and whose health should be closely monitored, are included in monitoring programs and benefit of a consultation of the world-class specialist.

Extended health monitoring of the employees during the working period, make them feel and effectively be safer from the Health point of view. Preventing the emergencies and assuring a more cost effective health management are secondary objectives none the less as important as the main goal of such prevention oriented program.

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