Starting from the idea that every activity can be improved in order to facilitated the safest working places, an effective risk management process requires a structured and systematic analysis method involving the Identification, Assessment and Control of hazards. In the same way the Recovery from potential events should be investigated and recovery measures analysed and prepared.

The Petromar offshore operations in the Black Sea of Romania are a significant part of Petrom E&P. There is no legal requirement in Romania to provide a HSE Case for offshore installation. According to OMV group (the owner of Petrom) standards the preparation and implementation of a HSE Case is necessary.

A key deliverable of this HSE Case was the purpose to make it electronically available for all the platforms and operational people to facilitate consistent use in the ongoing operations.

OMV Petrom is committed to on-going improvement in HSE management; therefore HSE-MS in Petromar is effectively implemented with a continuous improvement in the management of all HSE hazards and effects that could occur in the workplaces.

According to the HSE Case standard used in OMV/Petrom, the scope of the HSE Case is to:

  • Deliver an integrated HSE Case to modern standards as seen in the international oil and gas industry

  • Provide a comprehensive qualitative assessment of the hazards and current risk levels;

  • Identify where improvements in control measures are required and areas where additional control measures (risk reduction measures) could be practicably implemented;

  • Provide a reference document that defines the current position with regard to hazard management against which improvement can be demonstrated; and

  • To bring the common offshore and onshore Petromar HSE issues together in one document.

The implementation of all these aspects is facilitated through the use of an electronic tool. This tool shows all the important aspects of the HSE Case; it has a user friendly interface and is easy to use. The tool provide a comprehensive qualitative assessment of the hazards and current risk levels; it identified where improvements in control measures are required and areas where additional control measures (risk reduction measures) could be practicably implemented and bring common offshore and onshore HSE issues together in one tool.

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