Reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP) has historically been used for water injection and disposal pipelines in the Middle East for processes at operating temperatures up to 85°C. As the acceptance of RTP pipelines has increased in the region, applications for pipelines utilizing RTP has grown, but generally in lower temperature applications. Three sections of RTP were installed in a flow line in Abu Dhabi for high temperature (110°C) flow. The RTP was designed for operating temperatures to 110°C for high H2S (10% -20%) and CO2 natural gas flow lines, which also contained brine and sand. The sections of pipe were removed after four months in service and key performance tests were performed. The results were compared with un-aged samples. This paper provides an overview of the RTP pipe design, installation and removal, performance tests and conclusions regarding the comparison of test results between aged and unaged RTP pipes. Additional testing suggestions are proposed on the basis of changes in flowline operating parameters over time.

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