Hydrocarbon reserves in carbonate reservoirs account for 38% - 60% of total world reserves, according to different estimates. In Tatarstan, carbonate reservoirs are found, mostly, in the eastern slope of the Melekess Depression and the South-Tatarian Arch. The carbonate reservoirs are confined to the Middle and Lower Carboniferous sediments, the Upper Devonian (including the domanik sediments), and the Upper Permian (the Kazanian heavy oil accumulations). Considering an extensive geographic and stratigraphic range and differing tectonic and sedimentation environments, the carbonate rocks are characterized by a variety of reservoir properties.
In contrast to terrigenous rocks, the carbonate void space is complicated by secondary processes that took place much later than the sedimentogenesis-lithogenesis stage. Numerous fissures, caves, sutures, and stylolites form the void space of the reservoir rock matrix containing commercial hydrocarbon reserves. In addition to fracturing and vugginess contributing to increase of void space of carbonate rocks, the secondary processes include sulphatisation and secondary dolomitization (in limestones), adding to deterioration of reservoir properties. The secondary processes impede understanding and evaluation of reservoir properties and saturation potential, in particular, determination of the oil and gas saturation factors (Dyakonova T.F. et al, 2019, Akhmetov R.T. et al, 2017)/
In the western slope of the South-Tatarian Arch, carbonate reservoirs are confined to the Middle and Lower Carboniferous sediments. Numerous RCAL and SCAL investigations provided valuable insight into these targets. In this paper, we used data from the laboratory experiments and studies of core and oil samples from the six neighbor fields on the western slope of the South-Tatarian Arch. Because of common sedimentological and tectonic sedimentation environments and lithological similarity of rocks within the stratigraphic referencing, the six fields under analysis were considered as analogous, and the results of the laboratory studies of the samples were reviewed collectively.