The Southern licensed site of Priobskoe Oilfield (South-Priobskoe Oilfield, hereinafter SPRB) is the largest object of Gazprom Neft-Khantos. For the development of low-permeability productive formations AS10-AS12 it is economically feasible to drill horizontal wells (HW) with subsequent multistage hydraulic fracturing (MSHF). Growth of horizontal wells number raises the question of the implementation of different resource-saving technologies, including technologies to speed up the processes related to the preparation of water for hydraulic fracturing. It is also worth considering that in the case of horizontal wells drilled in areas with complex geological structure, which include a part of SPRB, еthere are higher risks to have a premature screen-out during MSHF and accordingly increased cost and time required to complete the well.

Fracturing operation utilizing water with temperature equal 10-15°C water – cold water concept vs. standard 25-30°C allows to substantially optimize fracturing preparation steps and improve operational efficiency, which ultimately is expressed in accelerated time to put the well on production. Also, decreased operating time of water heaters leads to a reduction of environmental footprint and air emissions. Channel fracturing technology with pulsed proppant placement, forming highly conductive channels in the fracture, allows to reduce the proppant mass and the volume of hydraulic fracturing fluid while maintaining the target fracture half-length. Combination of cold water concept with channel fracturing technology demonstrated significant acceleration of multistage hydraulic fracturing operation cycle for horizontal wells at the SPRB.

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