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Keywords: discretization
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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, March 28–30, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212206-MS
... Abstract While commonly used in practice for large-scale simulation of coupled subsurface flow and displacement, discretizations in which the solid matrix displacement is represented using linear, nodal elements and flow variables are represented as piecewise constants over each cell...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, October 26, 2021
Paper Number: SPE-203958-MS
... techniques, or enhancing the variables (degrees-of-freedom) that represent the physics in order to describe the behavior of fractured formation accurately. The objective of this study is to develop a spatial discretization scheme that cuts the "matrix" grid with fracture planes and utilizes traditional...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, October 26, 2021
Paper Number: SPE-203979-MS
... & Younis (2021) , this is not considered in the present work. Furthermore, the improved spatial discretization of the fluid flow equations proposed in Jiang et al. (2016) is applied. The temporal discretization is treated using implicit time stepping via Newmark's method. The weak form...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, October 26, 2021
Paper Number: SPE-203961-MS
... delaunay triangulation convergence artificial intelligence fluid dynamics voronoi grid machine learning upstream oil & gas discretization tpfa grid quality measure strata permeability transmissibility local approximation truncation error grid flow in porous media approximation spe...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, October 26, 2021
Paper Number: SPE-203949-MS
.... These two challenges are at the center of the present paper. We describe in detail the steps of our workflow to prepare and run a large-scale unstructured simulation of a real field case with faults. We perform the simulation using four different discretization schemes, including the cell-centered Two-Point...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, April 10–11, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-193858-MS
... and microseismic observations, thereby informing about the causal event dynamics. Artificial Intelligence displacement poroelastic media matrix hydraulic fracturing discretization discontinuity finite element method Newton update media Reservoir Characterization newmark scheme geomechanics wave...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, April 10–11, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-193934-MS
... Abstract High-resolution discretizations can be advantageous in compositional simulation to reduce excessive numerical diffusion that tends to mask shocks and fingering effects. In this work, we outline a fully implicit, dynamic, multilevel, high-resolution simulator for compositional problems...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, April 10–11, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-193922-MS
... scalability discretization flow simulator Implementation linear solver cpubased solver Introduction In this paper, we discuss the hybrid-parallel implementation and computational performance of a pore-scale multiphase flow simulator. The simulator operates at the pore scale, which approximately...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, April 10–11, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-193932-MS
... Modeling & Simulation architecture operator Upstream Oil & Gas discretization simulator operator value equation physical state linearization society of petroleum engineers khait formulation transmissibility multiphase flow Over the last decades, reservoir simulation evolved...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, February 20–22, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-182690-MS
... the newly developed virtual element method (VEM) for mechanics on polyhedral grids, we show how geomechanics simulations on corner-point grids can be coupled with traditional discretizations (and solvers) used in black-oil and compositional simulators. The new VEM method can be seen as an extension...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, February 20–22, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-182607-MS
... of the Eulerian CFD family of models. Both the CH and the NS equation are spatially discretized by use of the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method ( Riviere 2008 ) for increased accuracy in local conservation and flexibility in terms of order of the approximation. A number of DG schemes are reported...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, February 20–22, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-182664-MS
... Abstract We study the order of accuracy in time discretization for poromechanics, applying the fixed-stress split scheme. High-order methods in time are often used, for example, in order to match high-order schemes in space. We consider two operator splitting methods motivated from the fixed...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, February 20–22, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-182612-MS
... to unstructured grid. A new mesh generation approach is first presented to discretize the complex fracture network, accounting for both hydraulic fractures and natural fractures. Voronoi cells (or perpendicular bisector, i.e. PEBI grids) are constructed with high resolution near the fractures and with larger...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, February 20–22, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-182616-MS
...) discretizations may offer several attractive features, especially for fluid flow in heterogeneous or fractured porous media. The objectives of this work are to develop a fully-implicit CCFV framework that could achieve second-order spatial accuracy on smooth solutions, while at the same time maintain robustness...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, February 20–22, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-182671-MS
... Abstract Hierarchical scale separation (HSS) is a new approach to solve large sparse systems of linear equations arising from discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretizations. We investigate its applicability to systems stemming from the nonsymmetric interior penalty DG discretization...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, February 20–22, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-182699-MS
... grid models, to demonstrate the ability to apply a more efficient pressure coupling using discretization at vertices on both sides (mechanical and flow equations). Coupled equations are discretized and solved on an unstructured flow grid and a geomechanical finite element grid which are composed...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, February 20–22, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-182621-MS
... Abstract A comprehensive methodology for gridding, discretizing, coarsening, and simulating discrete-fracture-matrix models of naturally fractured reservoirs is described and applied. The model representation considered here can be used to define the grid and transmissibilities, at either...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, February 23–25, 2015
Paper Number: SPE-173257-MS
... ) to the numerical upscaling and preconditioning of subsurface porous media flow problems. The upscaling results presented here are further extension of our recent work in 3 . The AMGe approach is well suited for the solution of large problems coming from finite element discretizations of systems of partial...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, February 23–25, 2015
Paper Number: SPE-173232-MS
... of the corresponding equations favor different discretization techniques. Therefore common and established software packages are tailored to either flow or geo-mechanical simulations, while the fluid-mechanical problem is addressed through various coupling schemes. Coupling schemes are commonly assigned to three...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, February 23–25, 2015
Paper Number: SPE-173231-MS
...-hole pressure. These equations are discretized into a finite difference form using a control volume approach, with upstream weighting for the transmissibility terms. For each finite difference cell (grid cell) three primary variables are chosen. In the saturated state oil pressure, water saturation...