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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, March 28–30, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212253-MS
... Abstract This paper presents a three-stage integrated workflow using thermal/ geomechanical and thermal/ chemical simulation models to prevent reservoir souring during high concentration sulphate water injection. Reservoir souring takes place when sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) is activated...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, March 28–30, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212221-MS
... characterization concentration fracture mineral precipitation storage site journal geoengineer resilient sulfate engineering Introduction A significant and timely technical challenge in the energy transition is developing and operating resilient and scalable storage systems for Green House Gas (GHG...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, March 28–30, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212187-MS
... hydrogen storage reaction precipitation taranaki basin flowline corrosion hydrogen concentration h2s management deep learning oilfield chemistry reservoir characterization new zealand government underground hydrogen storage microorganism microbial reaction prediction international journal...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, March 28–30, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212165-MS
... processor computational efficiency reaction geochemical modeling utcomp-iphreeqc matrix acidizing equation grid porosity comparison conservation equation concentration Introduction Matrix acidizing is a stimulation technique to improve well productivity through injecting acid below...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, October 26, 2021
Paper Number: SPE-203978-MS
..., and it ensures continuity of transport characteristics at solubilization changes in phase composition. fluid dynamics composition quantity saturation flow in porous media concentration relative permeability water relative permeability formulation reservoir simulation phase state discontinuity...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, October 26, 2021
Paper Number: SPE-203922-MS
... other correlations used in any population balance model. The chosen model can then be used to predict foam flow and estimate economic value of any foam pilot project. enhanced recovery upstream oil & gas kovscek chemical flooding methods gas injection method concentration pressure drop...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, October 26, 2021
Paper Number: SPE-203972-MS
... the displacement fronts more accurately. As a result, the regions that experience significant concentration and saturation gradients are more confined, and that leads to improvements in the computational efficiency of the adaptive scheme. The robustness of the approach is demonstrated using a highly heterogeneous...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, April 10–11, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-193865-MS
... reservoir, including the impact of dissolution, polar-group adsorption, and compaction on the relative permeability of chalk to water and oil. We compare the simulation results with the published experimental data. Modeling & Simulation concentration experiment enhanced recovery wettability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, April 10–11, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-193850-MS
... propagation. This extends the capabilities of many legacy reservoir simulators to handle more physics. Artificial Intelligence complex reservoir reservoir simulator scientific computing Fluid Dynamics geomechanics porosity hydraulic fracturing concentration fracture network representation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, April 10–11, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-193862-MS
... that various parameters can affect the wormhole growth, such as the acid injection rate, the acid concentration, the rock type and so on ( Daccord and Lenormand 1987 ); ( Hoefner and Fogler 1988 ); ( Wang, Hill and Schechter 1993 ); ( Fredd and Fogler 1998 ); ( McDuff, et al. 2010 ); (Dong, et al. 2014...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, April 10–11, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-193860-MS
... calibration. enhanced recovery chemical flooding methods evolutionary algorithm machine learning reservoir simulation chloride concentration calibration model calibration surfactant concentration sensitivity analysis optimization problem slug size concentration incremental oil production...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, April 10–11, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-193843-MS
... Knudsen diffusion flux caused by gas molecules collision with pore wall is given by Fick's first law as: Equation 1 J K = − D K ∇ C where D k is the Knudsen diffusion diffusivity, C is the concentration of the free phase gas in mass per unit volume of free gas phase...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, April 10–11, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-193882-MS
...-making. Compositional simulations of WAG scenarios were performed as part of a sensitivity study followed by statistical analysis in order to quantify to what extent the outcomes of interest are sensitive to variations on four WAG design parameters: WAG ratio, CO 2 concentration in the injection gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, April 10–11, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-193913-MS
... 9 p a − p s + ( δ 2 k + δ 1 k a k a 3 − k ) C 10 p a − p s ) − 1 , k = 1 , 2 Given the concentration of po, pw , ps , and partitioning related input parameters, Eqs. 1 and 2 (or 2* ) can be solved...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, April 10–11, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-193909-MS
... wettability alteration reservoir Oil Recovery Modeling & Simulation reaction kinetic reaction rate rock surface dispersion Upstream Oil & Gas concentration reaction injection society of petroleum engineers Introduction Low-salinity waterflooding (LSWF) is a growing field...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, April 10–11, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-193930-MS
... concentration Pope Delshad microemulsion Upstream Oil & Gas lashgari simulator saturation society of petroleum engineers enhanced recovery residual saturation relative permeability residual oil saturation capillary pressure permeability Introduction The development of specialized...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, February 20–22, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-182653-MS
... molar fraction which is one of the conventional natural non-linear solution variables in a FIM simulator, we use various concentrations/fractions along with pressure and phase saturation as input for the four phase flash algorithm. The concentrations/fractions are the non-linear solution variables newly...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, February 20–22, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-182622-MS
... Oil & Gas concentration simulator partition coefficient SAGD equilibrium viscosity coefficient oil production bitumen diffusion coefficient reservoir simulation injection steam injection assumption analytical model society of petroleum engineers oleic phase equation...

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