A thermal simulator was modified in order to study the effect of different formulations of the compac tion phenomenon in modelling steam injection processes. The modified model can simulate total or partial irreversibility of this phenomenon, as well as the reversible formulation commonly used. Options to recalculate block permeabilities, transmissibilities, and thermal conductivities according to changes in porosity and thickness due to compaction are included.
Results from a series of simulations using data of hypothetical reservoirs are presented; these show a strong dependence of the quantities injected and produced, with the chosen formulation for compaction. It is found that the results are more sensitive to changes in the pore volume, than to changes in permeability and transmissibility.
This improved representation of the compaction phenomenon in the simulator, proved to be of great help to understand injection and production mechanisms in steam injection processes. It also widens the possibilities of using reservoir simulators for history match purposes, and also enables the user to take more into account the compressibility data obtained from laboratory experiments.