Nonlinear convergence problems in numerical reservoir simulation can lead to unacceptably large computational time and are often the main impediment to performing simulation studies of large-scale problems. We analyze the nonlinearity of the discrete transport (mass conservation) equation for immiscible, incompressible, two-phase flow in porous media in the presence of viscous and buoyancy forces. Although simulation problems are multi-dimensional with large numbers of cells and variables, we find that the essence of the nonlinear behavior can be understood by studying the discretized (numerical) flux function for the interface between two cells. The numerical flux is expressed in terms of the saturations of the two cells. Discontinuities in the first derivative of the flux function (referred to as kinks) and inflection lines are identified as the cause of convergence difficulty. These critical features (kinks and inflections) change the curvature of the numerical flux function abruptly, and can lead to overshoots, oscillations, or divergence in Newton iterations.
Based on our understanding of the nonlinearity, a nonlinear solver is developed, referred to as the Numerical Trust Region (NTR) solver. The solver is able to guide the Newton iterations safely and efficiently through the different saturation ‘trust-regions’ delineated by the kinks and inflections. Specifically, overshoots and oscillations that often lead to convergence failure are avoided. Numerical examples demonstrate that our NTR solver has superior convergence performance compared with existing methods. In particular, convergence is achieved for a wide range of timestep sizes and Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) numbers spanning several orders of magnitude. Our proposed numerical solution strategy that is based on the numerical flux extends the previous work by Jenny et al. (JCP, 2009) and Wang and Tchelepi (JCP, 2013) significantly.