In preparation for the SPE-ATW held in Brugge in June 2008 a unique benchmark project to test the use of flooding optimization and history-matching methods was organized in the form of an interactive competition during the months preceding the ATW. In total nine different groups participated and presented their results during the workshop.

Prior to the Brugge workshop, early 2008, a 3D synthetic dataset was made available to the participants by TNO. The dataset consisted of 104 upscaled realizations of a 3D geological model, well-log data from wells with fixed positions, the first 10 years of the production history of the field (including measurement errors), inverted time-lapse seismic data in terms of (uncertain) pressures and saturations, and economic parameters for oil and water (price and discount rate).

Participants were asked to provide a history match (either a single matched "best" model or a matched ensemble) based on the available data, and an optimal production strategy (without infill drilling) for the next period (10-20 years). Their strategy was tested on the "real field" to obtain additional production data over the 10-year period. Using these production data, the participants updated their reservoir model and revised their optimal production strategy for the final period of production (20-30 year).

The final objective of the exercise was to optimize, within a time constraint, the NPV of a waterflooded oilfield having smart wells that can be controlled by an inflow control valve per completed layer. The results of the nine participants are compared to an optimization of the "real field" as performed by TNO.

This paper gives an overview of the results obtained from this benchmark study. After the Brugge workshop the participants that were not able to finalize the exercise in time were given an additional two months time. The results of this additional exercise are reported in this paper as well.

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