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Proceedings Papers
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference
April 10–11, 2019
Galveston, Texas, USA
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SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference
Wednesday Poster Luncheon
Closed-Loop Stochastic Oilfield Optimization Under Uncertainty in Geologic Description and Future Development Plans
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Simulation of Inter-Fracture Injection and Production in Tight Reservoirs Based on Compartmental Embedded Discrete Fracture Model
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Diffusion and Sorption Kinetics Effects in Marcellus Shale Gas Transport
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Rapid Forecast Calibration Using Nonlinear Simulation Regression with Localization
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Production Data Integration into Complex Geologic Facies Models: Exploiting the Behavior of Multiple-Point Statistical Simulation for Effective Data Conditioning
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A General Framework Model for Fully Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical Simulation of CO2 EOR Operations
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Optimization Based Well Management for Coupling Giant Reservoir Models
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Higher Resolution Unstructured Spectral Finite-Volume Method for Flow in Porous Media
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A Bayesian Sampling Framework With Seismic Priors for Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Implementation of Physics-Based Data-Driven Models With a Commercial Simulator
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Data Analytics
Non-Intrusive Reduced Order Modelling for Reconstruction of Saturation Distributions
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Accelerated Compositional Simulation of Tight Oil and Shale Gas Reservoirs Using Proxy Flash Calculation
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Data-Driven Discovery of Unconventional Shale Reservoir Dynamics
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Deep Model Reduction-Model Learning for Reservoir Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
IOR Pilot Evaluation in a Brown-Field Fractured Reservoir Using Data Analytics of Reservoir Simulation Results
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Compaction-Dilation Data for Unconventional Oil Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Discretization I
Thermodaynamic Stability Analysis for Multi-Component Mixtures with Capillary Pressure
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Flexible Discretizations of the Three-Component Three-Phase Flow Problem
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Implicit High-Resolution Compositional Simulation With Optimal Ordering of Unknowns and Adaptive Spatial Refinement
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Von Neumann Stable, Implicit, High Order, Finite Volume WENO Schemes
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Boundary Segments for Multisegment Well Models
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Modelling of Electromagnetic Heating Process and its Applications in Oil Sands Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
High-Performance Computing
A Massively Parallel Algebraic Multiscale Solver for Reservoir Simulation on the GPU Architecture
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
An Adaptive Preconditioning Strategy to Speed up Parallel Reservoir Simulations
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Compact Stacked Contour Applied to Full Field Simulation Lifecycle
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Integrated Framework for Modelling of Thermal-Compositional Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Gridding, Upscaling and Multiscale I
Algebraic Dynamic Multilevel Method for Fractured Geothermal Reservoir Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Three-Dimensional Geological Boundary Aligned Unstructured Grid Generation, and CVD-MPFA Flow Computation
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Nonlinear Upscaling of Two-Phase Flow Using Non-Local Multi-Continuum Approach
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
High Fidelity Simulation of Recovery Mechanisms in Complex Natural Fracture Systems
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Integrated Modeling and Case Studies I
Optimal Design of CO2 Sequestration with Three-Way Coupling of Flow-Geomechanics Simulations and Evolution Strategy
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Comparison of Higher Order Schemes on Complicated Meshes and Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Sequential Implicit Newton Method for Coupled Multi-Segment Wells
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Integrated Asset Modeling of a Deep-Offshore Subsea Development Using 2 Complementary Reservoir-Surface Coupling Workflows
Gilles Darche; Rémy Marmier; Pierre Samier; Romain Bursaux; Nicolas Guillonneau; Jérôme Long; Hernani Kalunga; Rustem Zaydullin; Hui Cao
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A Geomechanically-Constrained Dynamic Fractal Wormhole Growth Model for Simulating Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Geomechanics and Unconventional Resources I
Coupled Numerical Simulation of Thermal-Reactive Flow and Geomechanics with Solid Mass Conversion
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Tight Oil and Shale Gas PVT Modelling for Flow Simulation with Matrix-Fracture Interaction
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A Numerical Method for Hydraulic Fracture Propagation Using Embedded Meshes
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A Framework for Incorporating Nanopores in Compositional Simulation to Model the Unusually High GOR Observed in Shale Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A Compositional Model for Gas Injection IOR/EOR in Tight Oil Reservoirs Under Coupled Nanopore Confinement and Geomechanics Effects
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Coupled Numerical Simulation of Transient Microseismicity and Flow in Fractured Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Forecasting, Optimization and Calibration
An SQP-Filter Algorithm with an Improved Stochastic Gradient for Robust Life-Cycle Optimization Problems with Nonlinear Constraints
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
History Matching and Optimal Design of Chemically Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Multi-Objective Optimization
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Efficient Assimilation of Crosswell Electromagnetic Data Using Ensemble-Based History-Matching Framework
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Joint Optimization of Well Locations, Types, Drilling Order and Controls Given a Set of Potential Drilling Paths
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Robust Optimization of ASP Flooding Under Oil Price Uncertainty
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Complex Processes I
Analysis of Near-Miscible CO2-WAG Displacements: The Distinction between Compositional and Interfacial Tension Effects
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Efficient and Robust Solver for Multiphase Rachford-Rice Equations in Compositional and Thermal Simulations
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A Mechanistic Foam Simulator Incorporating Systematic Dependencies of Various Foam Properties on Permeability
Haishan Luo; Kun Ma; Khalid Mateen; Guangwei Ren; Valerie Neillo; Christophe Blondeau; Gilles Bourdarot; Danielle Morel
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Modeling the Effect of Reaction Kinetics and Dispersion during Low-Salinity Waterflooding
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Parameterization of Element Balance Formulation in Reactive Compositional Flow and Transport
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Quantifying Near-Wellbore Permeability Including Fractures Using Real-Time Pressure from Distributed Downhole Measurements
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Thursday Poster Luncheon
Single Block Productivity Approach - How it Identifies and Isolates Multiple Fracture Network Variants and Helps Improve History Matching and Prediction in Unconventional Reservoirs Using Reservoir Simulator
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
History Matching an Unconventional Reservoir with a Complex Fracture Network
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Design of Warm Solvent Injection Processes for Heterogeneous Heavy Oil Reservoirs: A Hybrid Workflow of Multi-Objective Optimization and Proxy Models
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Impact of WAG Design on Calcite Scaling Risk in Coupled CO2-EOR and Storage Projects in Carbonate Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A Natural Variable Well Model for Advanced Thermal Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Integration of Deep Learning and Data Analytics for SAGD Temperature and Production Analysis
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
An Interactive Workflow and Data Analytics for Model-Based Production Optimization: A Waterflooding Example
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
An Open Source Numerical Framework for Dual-Continuum Geomechanical Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Quasi-K-Orthogonal Grid Generation
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A Geomechanics-Coupled Embedded Discrete Fracture Model and its Application in Geothermal Reservoir Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Dynamic Modeling and Design Optimization of Cyclonic Autonomous Inflow Control Devices
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Ranking Fractured Reservoir Models Using Flow Diagnostics
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification
Benchmarking of Advanced Methods for Assisted History Matching and Uncertainty Quantification
Mariela Araujo; Chaohui Chen; Guohua Gao; Jim Jennings; Benjamin Ramirez; Zhihua Xu; Tzu-hao Yeh; Faruk Omer Alpak; Paul Gelderblom
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Identifiability of Model Discrepancy Parameters in History Matching
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Multilevel Strategies and Geological Parameterizations for History Matching Complex Reservoir Models
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Reduced Degrees of Freedom Gaussian Mixture Model Fitting for Large Scale History Matching Problems
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Simplified Use of CLRM to Study Value of Saturation Assimilation on a Synthetic Green Field
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Investigation of the Correlation Between the Quality of History Matching and that of Forecasting
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Discretization II
Numerical Simulation of Matrix Acidizing in Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs Using Adaptive Enriched Galerkin Method
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A Three-Dimensional Symmetric Positive Definite Control-Volume Distributed Multi-Point Flux Approximation for Flow Computation on Tetrahedral Grids
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A Calibrated Model for the Carbonate-Brine-Crude Oil Surface Chemistry and its Effect on the Rock Wettability, Dissolution, and Mechanical Properties
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Modeling of Cosolvents in a Fully-Implicit Surfactant Flood Simulator Using the Three-Level Framework
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Numerical Error Quantification of Agent-Based Models as Applied to Oil Reservoir Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Linear and Nonlinear Solvers
Application of Algebraic Smoothing Aggregation Two Level Preconditioner to Multiphysical Fluid Flow Simulations in Porous Media
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Distributed Parallel Hybrid CPU-GPGPU Implementation of the Phase-Field Method for Accelerated High-Accuracy Simulations of Pore-Scale Two-Phase Flow
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
System-AMG for Fully Coupled Reservoir Simulation with Geomechanics
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Unstructured CVD-MPFA Reduced-Dimensional DFM Models for Two-Phase Flow, Coupled with Higher Resolution Hybrid Upwind Methods
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Gridding, Upscaling and Multiscale II
Recent Developments in Unstructured Aggregation-Based Upscaling for Simulation Workflows and Applications
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Validation of a Non-Uniform Coarsening and Upscaling Framework
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Adjoint-Based Adaptive Convergence Control of the Iterative Finite Volume Multiscale Method
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A Robust Embedded Discrete Fracture Modeling Workflow for Simulating Complex Processes in Field-Scale Fractured Reservoirs
Mun-Hong Hui; Gaelle Dufour; Sarah Vitel; Pierre Muron; Reza Tavakoli; Matthieu Rousset; Alvaro Rey; Bradley Mallison
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Integrated Modeling and Case Studies II
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Uncertainty Quantification with a Least-Squares Support Vector Regression Proxy
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Robust Fuzzy Timestep Selector for a Fully Implicit Reservoir Simulator
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Insights into Development and Application of a Reservoir Simulator: A Study on Agile Processes to Enhance Simulator Testing, Benchmarking, and Deployment
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A New Framework for the Integrated Reservoir and Surface Facilities Modeling
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Robust Multi-Objective Field Development Optimization for the Mariner Asset
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Geomechanics and Unconventional Resources II
General Semi-Structured Discretization for Flow and Geomechanics on Diffusive Fracture Networks
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Multiscale Computations of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Low-Permeability Heterogeneous Rocks
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A Multiphysics Fully-Coupled Flow and Geomechanics Simulation System with Hydraulic-Fracturing Simulation Capability
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Unconventional Reservoir Management Modeling Coupling Diffusive Zone/Phase Field Fracture Modeling and Fracture Probability Maps
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Reduced and Fast Simulation Models
Modeling Hydraulically Fractured Shale Wells Using the Fast Marching Method with Local Grid Refinements LGRs and Embedded Discrete Fracture Model EDFM
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Artificial Neural Network Accelerated Flash Calculation for Compositional Simulations
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Reduced-Order Modeling of Coupled Flow-Geomechanics Problems
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Model-Order Reduction of Coupled Flow and Geomechanics in Ultra-Low Permeability ULP Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
A Comprehensive Adaptive Forecasting Framework for Optimum Field Development Planning
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
INSIM-FT-3D: A Three-Dimensional Data-Driven Model for History Matching and Waterflooding Optimization
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Complex Processes II
New and Improved Physical Property Models for Chemical Flooding Simulators
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Continuous Relative Permeability Model for Compositional Reservoir Simulation, Using the True Critical Point and Accounting for Miscibility
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Simulation of Radio Frequency Heating of Heavy Oil Reservoir Using Multi-Physics Coupling of Reservoir Simulation with Electromagnetic Solver
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
Numerical Modeling of Fluid-Rock Interactions During Low-Salinity-Brine-CO2 Flooding in Carbonate Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, April 2019. doi:
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