Compared to Traditional Project Delivery, Craft Productivity Project Delivery improves total installed cost (TIC), schedule and throughput significantly without degrading quality, function or operability. Senior engineering, project and construction managers and engineers recognize the value of Craft Productivity Project Delivery but delay implementing claiming too many other initiatives and because the clients keep paying the bills.
The oil and gas industry associates their facility based major capital projects (MCP) as Harry C. Stonecipher, President, Boeing described manufacturing airplanes in their aerospace industry in 1998, "All of us have grown up with a cost-plus or a performance-at-any-price mentality. Instead of driving down costs relentlessly from one year to the next, we have been used to steady increases in the cost and price of just about everything. The real world -- whether military or commercial -- won't support it any more." Boeing moved to Craft Productivity Manufacturing improving cost, schedule and throughput without degrading quality, function or operability
Learning from the aerospace industry, this paper discusses implementing Craft Productivity Project Delivery in labor intensive, highly customized and expensive MCPs world. Specifically, this paper discusses differences between Traditional and Craft Productivity Project Delivery and implementing the Craft Productivity processes in the construction phase of MCP including - Integrated Project Teams (IPT), field work-task packaging, workface flow, Execution Planning, pull production and waste reduction.