Synthetic rock with predictable porosity and permeability bas been prepared from mixtures of sand, cement and water. Three series of mixes were investigated primarily for the relation between porosity and permeability for certain grain sizes and proportions. Synthetic rock prepared of 65 per cent large grains, 27 per cent small grains and 8 per cent Portland cement, gave measurable results ranging in porosity from 22.5 to 40 per cent and in permeability from 0.1 darcies to 6 darcies. This variation in porosity and permeability was caused by varying the amount of blending water. Drainage- cycle relative permeability characteristics of the synthetic rock were similar to those of natural reservoir rock.


The fundamental behavior characteristics of fluids flowing through porous media have been described in the literature. Practical application of these flow characteristics to field conditions is too complicated except where assumptions are overly simplified. The use of dimensionally scaled models to simulate oil reservoirs has been described in the literature. These and other papers have presented the theoretical and experimental justification for model design. Others have presented elements of model construction and their operation. In most investigations the porous media have consisted of either unconsolidated sand, glass beads, broken glass or plastic-impregnated granular substances-materials in which the flow behavior is not identical to that in natural reservoir rock. The relative permeability curves for unconsolidated sands differ from those for consolidated sandstone. The effect of saturation history on relative permeability measurements A discussed by Geffen, et al. Wygal has shown quite conclusively that a process of artificial cementation can be used to render unconsolidated packs into synthetic sandstones having properties similar to those of natural rock. Many theoretical and experimental studies have been made in attempts to determine the structure and properties of unconsolidated sand, the most notable being by Naar and Wygal. Others have theorized and experimented with the fundamental characteristics of reservoir rocks. This study was conducted to determine if some general relationship could be established between the size of sand grains and the porosity and permeability in consolidated binary packs. This paper presents the results obtained by changing some of the factors which affect the porosity and permeability of synthetically prepared sandstone. In addition, drainage relative permeability curves are presented.


Mixtures of Portland cement with water and aggregate generally are designed to have certain characteristics, but essentially all are planned to be impervious to water or other liquids. Synthetic sandstone simulating oil reservoir rock, however, must be designed to have a given permeability (sometimes several darcies), a porosity which is primarily the effective porosity but quantitatively similar to natural rock, and other characteristics comparable to reservoir rock, such as wettability, pore geometry, tortuosity, etc. Unconsolidated ternary mixtures of spheres gave both a theoretically computed and an experimentally observed minimum porosity of about 25 per cent. By using a particle-distribution system, one-size particle packs had reproducible porosities in the reproducible range of 35 to 37 per cent. For model reservoir studies of the prototype system, a synthetic rock having a porosity of 25 per cent or less and a permeability of 2 darcies was required. The rock bad to be uniform and competent enough to handle.

Synthetic sandstone cores mere prepared utilizing the technique developed by Wygal. Some tight variations in the procedure were incorporated. The sand was sieved through U.S. Standard sieves.


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