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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97570-MS
... program. Actual HPHT well evaluation planning and execution examples, as well as, current tool limitations and future technology requirements are reviewed. fluid sample spe 97570 exploration well upstream oil & gas hpht environment evaluation information battery society of petroleum...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97588-MS
... application iso 13679 application hpht well application casing and cementing procedure upstream oil & gas dual seal connection society of petroleum engineers leak probability high pressure high temperature seal connection hpht spe 97588 probability qualification envelope casing design...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97589-MS
... packer tieback system casing and cementing spe 97589 control line completion fluid hpht well upstream oil & gas ksi production co HPHT Completion Challenges Industry is currently drilling wells to severe HPHT conditions, e.g., SITP 20 ksi, BHT 470 °F, 25,000 ft depths. One day...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97564-MS
... section liquid fraction wellbore influx annular pressure drilling calculation method mcp well control fraction load modeling tolerance annular capacity upstream oil & gas probability mms drilling fluids and materials hole size internal pressure Introduction The purpose...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97563-MS
... types of analysis and testing required to qualify mudline well control equipment for these more severe conditions. Additionally, changes to operating procedures for this type of equipment will be presented. society of petroleum engineers drilling equipment corrosion upstream oil & gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97571-MS
... electronics well depth upstream oil & gas ecrd gulf Introduction HPHT Logging Across the US and Gulf of Mexico is becoming an increasingly larger part of the oil & gas industries focus. As the shallower, easy markets continue to dry up, focus will fall on deeper, Hi-pressure, Hi...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97565-MS
... was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. ppf pressure rating upstream oil & gas custom octg dual gradient drilling annular pressure drilling drilling expandable liner well design completion engineering casing...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97572-MS
... hydraulic fracturing equivalent stress casing and cementing toughness upstream oil & gas design curve design factor threshold stress pipe design criterion complex reservoir crack propagation compressive stress wall thickness design criteria high pressure high temperature Introduction...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97568-MS
... prediction concentration h2s management smith correlation stress corrosion co 2 oilfield chemistry spe 97568 partial pressure corrosion management tsr carbon dioxide correlation material selection upstream oil & gas Introduction The case for action is simple – people are at risk...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97560-MS
... completion installation and operations application strength requirement liner thickness tieback titanium alloy upstream oil & gas triaxial design factor 1 Introduction Several factors are leading operating companies into much deeper exploratory geologic horizons. The maturation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97569-MS
... well hp ht deep trek sensor society of petroleum engineers high temperature requirement instrument well logging best practice descent formation evaluation upstream oil & gas log analysis instrumentation A combination of a greater demand for hydrocarbons, more lucrative prices...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97596-MS
... thermal management installation society of petroleum engineers hanger subsea production equipment scott beall upstream oil & gas verification calculation statoil operation Introduction The Kristin HPHT field is an offshore gas producing field in Norway that is now operated by Statoil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97597-MS
... cement plug plug upstream oil & gas pressure isolation evaluation cement final squeeze pressure diagnostic test result section milling annulus pressure sap bridge plug squeeze pressure integrity remediation casing and cementing This paper describes the experience of SAP...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97579-MS
... prideco-tca heat lot corrosion inhibition corrosion test laboratory hardness h2s management hardness measurement drillstring design production chemistry upstream oil & gas specimen material property hrc 9-point hardness corrosion management oilfield chemistry test temperature issc...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97580-MS
.... resistance society of petroleum engineers steel upstream oil & gas grain boundary subgrain strength steel high strength steel strength thermomechanical processing tubular strength transition grain size low alloy steel susceptibility corrosion ssc resistance metallurgical limit boundary...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-98074-MS
... kimura mochizuki upstream oil & gas high temperature pipeline corrosion effective cr corrosion resistance flowline corrosion stainless steel octg strength co 2 Conclusions A new 15Cr steel pipe was developed and its mechanical properties and corrosion resistance were quantified...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97574-MS
... uncertainty for sour fracture of casing. fad failure assessment diagram prediction modeling uncertainty fracture spe 97574 crack depth strength random variable upstream oil & gas dispersion hydraulic fracturing idealization uncertainty equation artificial intelligence model...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97581-MS
... is ensured thanks to a dedicated manufacturing process. upstream oil & gas sour service environment ssc resistance evolution corrosion inhibition oilfield chemistry society of petroleum engineers resistance corrosion management high temperature production chemistry wall thickness...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97576-MS
... corrosion inhibition coefficient correction strict henry society of petroleum engineers upstream oil & gas psia corrosion management partial pressure h2s management concentration hydrogen atom test environment test condition upstream research company production chemistry henry...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, May 17–19, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-97592-MS
... 97592 completion design corrosion inhibition completion installation and operations upstream oil & gas consideration A review of published data on field failures suggests that for EAC to occur, three factors must be present: a sensitive metallurgy, an external corrosive environment...

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