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Proceedings Papers
SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop
May 17–19, 2005
The Woodlands, Texas
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Gulf of Mexico Shelf Deep Ultra HPHT Completions - Current Technology Gaps
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Design and Qualification Challenges for Mudline Well Control Equipment Intended for HPHT Service
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Stochastic Kick Load Modeling
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Designer Casing for Deepwater HPHT Wells
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Prediction of Hydrogen Sulfide and Carbon Dioxide in HPHT Wells
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Optimizing Wireline Formation Evaluation in HP/HT Wells
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Reservoir Evaluation Program Planning in HPHT Environments
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Wireline Evaluation Technology in HPHT Wells
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Recommended Use of Three Separate Stress Formulas for the Design of Low Alloy Carbon Steel Production Casing for Sour HPHT Wells
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
The Role of Idealization Uncertainty in Understanding Design Margins
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Selecting Representative Laboratory Test Conditions for Fit-For-Purpose OCTG Material Evaluations
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Combined Axial Tension/Compression and Internal Pressure Testing of Mini-Pipe Specimens in H2S Environment to Determine Three Dimensional (Triaxial) Stress States which Produce Crack Initiation Failure: Explanation of the New Test Fixture, Mini-Pipe Specimen, and Preliminary Test Results
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Review of the Recent API PRAC Project Attempt to Evaluate the ISO DIS 10400 Failure Assessment Diagram Through Full Scale Testing of Pipe Containing Surface Imperfections
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
The Qualification of C110-High Strength Sour Service Casing–A Statistical Approach to Evaluating Material Data Across A Single Production Heat Lot
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Metallurgical Limits to Increasing Tubular Strength While Maintaining SSC Resistance
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Evolution of Material Requirements and Products Answer For Critical Environments
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Alternatives for High Strength Materials in Sour Environments
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Development and Implementation of a High Strength "Mild Sour Service" Casing Grade Steel for the Kristin HPHT Field
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
The Design of Tubing and Casing Premium Connections for HTHP Wells
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Premium Connection Design, Testing, and Installation for HPHT Sour Wells
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
The Effect of Radial Loads on Connection Design in Ultra High Pressure Wells
Manuel E. Gonzalez; Jiang Wu; J. Rodney Hensley; R. Brett Chandler; Andrei Muradov; Michael J. Jellison
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Connections for HPHT Well Applications and Connection Leak Probability
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
HPHT Completion Challenges
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Selection and Qualification of Materials for HPHT Wells
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
A New Method of Material Categorisation for Super-Duplex Stainless Steel Tubulars
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Improving Completion Viability in HPHT Completions
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Corrosion and Environmental Cracking Evaluation of High Density Brines for Use in HPHT Fields
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Updated Design Methods for HPHT Equipment
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Thermal Management of Closed Volume Spaces in Subsea Production Equipment
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
A Case History of Sustainable Annulus Pressure in Sour Wells – Prevention, Evaluation and Remediation
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Completion Optimization: Equipment & Material Qualification
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Significant Reduction of Imperfection Depth Tolerance during Ultrasonic Inspection of Oil Country Tubular Goods
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
The Use of Phased Array UT Inspection of OCTG
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Shell Exploration and Production Company List of Connections Tested for Well Service Pressures >8000 psi Based on Standardized API/ISO Qualification Testing Procedures
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
Development of New 15Cr Stainless Steel OCTG with Superior Corrosion Resistance
Paper presented at the SPE High Pressure/High Temperature Sour Well Design Applied Technology Workshop, The Woodlands, Texas, May 2005. doi:
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