New geological structures - displaced blocks of salt diapirs’ overburden - were identified in the axial part of the Dnieper-Donets basin (DDB) beside one of the largest salt domes due to modern high-precision gravity and magnetic surveys and their joint 3D inversion with seismic and well log data.
Superposition of gravity lineaments and wells penetrating Middle and Lower Carboniferous below Permian and Upper Carboniferous sediments in proximity to salt allowed to propose halokinetic model salt overburden displacement, assuming Upper Carboniferous reactivation.
Analogy with rafts and carapaces of the Gulf of Mexico is considered in terms of magnitude of salt- induced deformations.
Density of Carboniferous rocks within the displaced flaps evidence a high probability of hydrocarbon saturation. Possible traps include uplifted parts of the overturned flaps, abutting Upper Carboniferous reservoirs, and underlying Carboniferous sequence. Play elements are analyzed using analogues from the Dnieper-Donets basin and the Gulf of Mexico.
Hydrocarbon reserves of the overturned flaps within the study area are estimated to exceed Q50 (P50) = 150 million cubic meters of oil equivalent.