A new mathematical model is developed to predict the transient pressure behavior of a partially-penetrating well (PPW). The model is derived by solving the two-dimensional (2-D) diffusivity equation. The Laplace transformation and the separation of variables technique are used. A convolution technique is used to incorporate the well bore storage and skin factor. The solution has the form of the infinite Fourier-Bessel series and can be easily implemented using a personal computer.

Using the new model, the pressure behavior of a PPW is analyzed, and the approach of current interpretation techniques is investigated. Currently, it is claimed that a plot of pressure vs log (time) displays an early- and a late-time straight line. It has also been assumed that there is a spherical flow period between the early-time and late-time radial flow regimes. This investigation shows that there is neither early-time straight line nor spherical flow period. What may appear to be a straight line on these plots is merely the result of an inflection point. Therefore, the interpretation techniques based on the existence of an early-time radial flow period and spherical flow in the transition period are questionable. Further study has also shown that the type-curve matching methods provide a non-unique solution.

Pressure-derivative and pressure-integral behavior of a PPW are also examined. Derivative and integral type curves were constructed, and their ability to interpret the test data is investigated.

A new interpretation technique is proposed to alleviate the short-comings of existing methods. The new method provides unique solutions to horizontal and vertical permeabilities and skin effect. The method is based on the deconvolution of measured pressure and flow rate data. The limitations of the proposed interpretation technique are also outlined.

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