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Proceedings Papers
SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition
March 15–16, 2023
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Day 1 Wed, March 15, 2023
Session 01: What's New in Heavy Oil
Dielectric Measurement Method for Dynamic Monitoring of Water-Saturated Sand Pack with and without Evaporation
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Experimental and Numerical Study of Asphaltene Deposition and Precipitation in the Vapor Extraction Process
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Learnings from the Planning and Execution of a Heavy Oil Polymer Flood Pilot in North Saskatchewan, Canada
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Knowledge Sharing ePoster 1
Microfluidic-Based Optimization of Polymer flooding for Heavy Oil Recovery
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
The Impact of Autonomous Inflow Control Valve on Enhanced Bitumen Recovery in a SAGD Late Life Reservoir: Lab Experiment and Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Session 02: Unconventional Geoscience and Reservoir Characterization
Integrating Geochemical Fingerprinting Technology with Reservoir Surveillance Data – A Montney Case Study to Optimize Pad Design in Multi-Bench Development
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Stage-by-Stage Hydraulic Fracture and Reservoir Characterization Through Post-Fracture-Pressure-Decay Technique and Flowback DFIT Method Integration
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
An Investigation of Multicomponent Gas Flow in Porous Media
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Session 3: ESG and Sustainability
An Improved Workflow in Mass Balance Approach for Estimating Regional Methane Emission Rate Using Satellite Measurements
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Improving Sustainability Through the Utilization of Recycled Produced Water for Drilling Operations and the Associated Benefits
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Heavy Oil Late Life Energy Recovery—Maximizing the Value of Mature Thermal Assets
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Session 04: Geothermal - Clean Technology and Alternative Energy
Effective Thermal Conductivity of Tight Porous Media
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Using Thermoelectric Generators (TEGs) for Electric Power Generation from Waste Heat in Geothermal Plants
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Session 05: Offshore 1 - Flow Assurance and Production Engineering
Scaling Issues on Horizontal Multi-Fractured Wells: An Alternative Intervention Approach with Novel Technologies for Diversion and Scale Inhibition
Michele Giammancheri; Gianluca Tassone; Gabriele Carpineta; Alban Okoka; Rolle Itoua; Robert Ilyasov; Brett Reilly; Venkata Bhamidipati
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Synergistic Hydrate Inhibition by Bovine Serum Albumin With Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Extensive Experimental Study of Low-Salinity Waterflooding Using Hele-Shaw Cell: A Focus on Gravity and Mobility Ratio Effects
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Fluids Migration Behind Casings: An Offshore Well Integrity Issue Restoration Experience of AGM043 in Gabon, West-Africa
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Knowledge Sharing ePoster 7
Evaluation of Flow Units and Capillary Pressures of the Giant Chicontepec Tight Oil Paleochannel in Mexico and a Fresh Look at Drilling and Completions
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
A Multifaceted Laboratory Approach to Screen Paraffin Inhibitors for Canadian Unconventional Resources
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Session 07: Carbon Utilization
Carbon Sequestration: The Ignored Promise of the Non-Utilization of Carbon Route
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Could the Post-SAGD Heat Recovery Supply the Direct Air CO2 Capture (DAC) Energy in a Net Negative Carbon Emission Environment?
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Investigation CO2 EOR Types with Constrained CO2 Volume and Impurities for a High-Quality Sandstone, Stratified Offshore Newfoundland Reservoir
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Session 08: Data Science-Production Optimization
Using Edge Computing and Autonomous Control to Manage and Optimize Well Performance in Cyclic Steam Stimulation Operations.
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Distributed Real-Time Multi-Pad Steam Allocation Optimization
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Session 09: SAGD Operations Improvements
An Analytical Approach for Optimizing the Subcool of Non-Condensable Gas (NCG) Assisted Heavy Oil Production: Predictions & Limitations
Giuseppe Rosi; Da Zhu; Hossein Izadi; Mahdi Mahmoudi; Vahid Fattahpour; Morteza Roostaei; Aubrey Tuttle; Jesse Stevenson; Colby Sutton; Ian Gates
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
A Subcool Reactive ICD for Optimization of SAGD Wells
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Prediction of Flow Control Devices Performance in SAGD Producers Subjected to Sand Impact Erosion
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Session 10: Unconventional Reservoir Modeling, Dynamics & Surveillance
Characterization of Distributed Acoustic Sensing Signals in Hydraulic Fracturing Stimulation - A Coupled Flow-Geomechanical Simulation Approach
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Buildup Evaluation of an Overpressured Naturally Fractured Carbonate
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Session 11: Evaluating Storage Potential
Feasibility of Carbon Storage in Kirby Depleted Shallow Gas Fields: A Numerical and Statistical Analysis
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Numerical Modeling of Field Pilot Data Designed to Evaluate CO2 Storage Potential in the Deep Mannville Coal Seams of Alberta
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Session 12: Data Science-Reservoir Modeling and Feature Ranking
Field Production Optimization Using Smart Proxy Modeling; Implementation of Sequential Sampling, Average Feature Ranking, and Convolutional Neural Network
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Reducing Simulation Time in a Huff-And-Puff Gas Injection Project in Complex Shale Reservoirs: Sequence-Based Proxy Multi-Porosity Reservoir Simulator
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Unsupervised PSD Clustering to Assess Reservoir Quality Along the Horizontal Wells: An Efficient Inflow Control Devices Design
Hossein Izadi; Morteza Roostaei; Mahdi Mahmoudi; Giuseppe Rosi; Jesse Stevenson; Aubrey Tuttle; Colby Sutton; Rashid Mirzavand; Juliana Y. Leung; Vahidoddin Fattahpour
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Knowledge Sharing ePoster 2
Diverting Fracturing Stimulation Technique Using a Novel Temporary Plugging Agent with Multiphase Transition Properties at Different Temperatures
Xiang Chen; Pingli Liu; Liqiang Zhao; Juan Du; Jiangang Zheng; Zhangxing Chen; Jian Yang; Wanwei Zhao; Fei Liu; Fengcheng Lou; Guan Wang; Jinming Liu; Chengxi Huang
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Knowledge Sharing ePoster 4
Hydrocarbon gas Foam Injection in Fractured Oil-Wet Carbonate Samples: An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Fracture-Matrix Permeability Contrast on Oil Recovery
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
An Experimental Study on the Effects of Competitive Adsorption During Huff-N-Puff Enhanced Gas Recovery
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Knowledge Sharing ePoster 5
Field-Scale Modeling of Interwell Tracer Flow Behaviour to Characterize Complex Fracture Networks Based on the Embedded Discrete Fracture Model in a Naturally Fractured Reservoir
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Knowledge Sharing ePoster 6
Novel Inflow Control Device Bridges the Gap Between Passive and Autonomous Technologies
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi:
Knowledge Sharing ePoster 8
A Review-Dissolution and Mineralization Storage of CO2 Geological Storage in Saline Aquifers
Paper presented at the SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 2023. doi: