Power solutions for seagoing vessels have typically been designed to enable operation at maximum economic speeds based on hydrodynamic considerations, and to ensure that vessels have the necessary power to be seaworthy and maneuverable in heavy weather and in high sea states. Historically, fuel costs have been low compared to fixed and other variable costs, but more recently, rising fuel prices and environmental concerns have made it more attractive to reduce fuel consumption through lower steaming speeds. Since speed reduction drastically reduces power requirements, it has become common to operate at 15 to 50% of the installed power in calm to moderate sea conditions. When engines operate at low power, fuel consumption per kWh produced power increases slightly, while the emissions of exhaust gases increase rapidly due to incomplete combustion. This study investigates flexible hybrid power solutions, i.e. power take out (PTO), power take in (PTI) and batteries in combination with internal combustion engines. The focus is on the full operational range from being idle at berth to the peak power needed in critical situations in high sea states. Our results indicate that hybrid solutions are cost-competitive with traditional engine setups. They also reduce the environmental impact, including greenhouse gas emissions and cost effectively satisfies IMO’s energy efficiency requirements (EEDI).
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SNAME Maritime Convention and 5th World Maritime Technology Conference
November 4–6, 2015
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Reducing Cost and Environmental Impacts through Hybrid Power Options
Haakon Lindstad;
Haakon Lindstad
Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute (MARINTEK)
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Gunnar S. Eskeland;
Gunnar S. Eskeland
Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
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Harilaos Psaraftis;
Harilaos Psaraftis
Technical University of Denmark
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Inge Sandaas
Inge Sandaas
United European Car Carriers
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Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention and 5th World Maritime Technology Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, November 2015.
Paper Number:
November 04 2015
Lindstad, Haakon, Eskeland, Gunnar S., Mørch, Hans, Psaraftis, Harilaos, and Inge Sandaas. "Reducing Cost and Environmental Impacts through Hybrid Power Options." Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention and 5th World Maritime Technology Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, November 2015. doi: https://doi.org/10.5957/WMTC-2015-106
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