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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME Propeller and Shafting Symposium, September 12–13, 2023
Paper Number: SNAME-PSS-2023-010
... influential due to supra-regional laws.The primary structure-borne sound path is transmitted from the engine over the engine mounts into the ship's hull. This obvious path is currently already well attenuated and for the most part does not present noise vibration problems. Therefore, the secondary path from...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 15th Propeller and Shafting Symposium, September 25–26, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-PSS-2018-03
... Propeller and Propulsion System Optimization Tobias Huuva, Emil Cerdier, Simon Törnros, Olof Klerebrant Klasson1 1. Caterpillar Marine ABSTRACT Designing and optimizing a propulsion system is twofold. The first step is to choose the main components, such as engine ratings, engine types, propeller...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 13th Propeller and Shafting Symposium, September 11–12, 2012
Paper Number: SNAME-PSS-2012-007
... the most challenging vessel propulsion problems. It seems appropriate to share some of the experience and learning from the author’s work to improve propulsion efficiency and smoothness of operation in commercial vessels. freight & logistics services propeller blade engine blade section...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 12th Propeller and Shafting Symposium, September 15–16, 2009
Paper Number: SNAME-PSS-2009-17
... forms can be evaluated for use with pod drives. A look at the integration of pod systems into various types of pleasure boats (cruiser, day boat, fishing yacht, etc) is also covered including the challenges which exist for each specific vessel type. submerged propeller engine pleasure boat...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 12th Propeller and Shafting Symposium, September 15–16, 2009
Paper Number: SNAME-PSS-2009-10
... in chapter 4 from the same author. This time the broad experience and design philosophy of such complete shaft lines shall be described and explained by using various samples of several successful applications. steel shaft steel tube diesel engine bearing shaft line input shaft application cft...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 11th Propeller and Shafting Symposium, September 12–13, 2006
Paper Number: SNAME-PSS-2006-13
... intermediate shaft layout calculation shaft engine main bearing freight & logistics services calculation engine main bearing static load draught jack-up test result support point propeller shaft bearing load alignment ALIGNMENT OF DIRECT-COUPLED LARGE 2-STROKE MARINE PROPULSION ENGINES...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 10th Propeller and Shafting Symposium, September 17–18, 2003
Paper Number: SNAME-PSS-2003-16
... a capacity of about 360 cars and 1,500 passengers. Their route varies from Vancouver-Vancouver Island-Sunshine Coast, with up to 9 round trips per day. The vessels have a double-ended single screw propeller configuration. Each of the controllable pitch propellers are driven by one or two diesel engines rated...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 10th Propeller and Shafting Symposium, September 17–18, 2003
Paper Number: SNAME-PSS-2003-14
... the method recommended here, standard calculations for HP and RPM are performed at various speeds and pitches. Lines of constant speed are then plotted on an engine map, along with lines of constant fuel rate from engine bench tests. It is then possible to determine where each line of constant speed achieves...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 9th Propeller and Shafting Symposium, September 20–21, 2000
Paper Number: SNAME-PSS-2000-17
...-up and finally the dynamics for a System equipped with a coupling with progressive stiffness. frequency engine angular displacement propeller drillstring design mass elastic system natural mode shaft lowest natural frequency drillstring dynamics excitation torque exterior torque...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 9th Propeller and Shafting Symposium, September 20–21, 2000
Paper Number: SNAME-PSS-2000-19
... requirement frequency component rms calculation propulsion system peak value us government ship thrust bearing torque propeller vibration criteria thrust bearing engine shaft magnitude THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW STANDARD FOR THE VIBRATION OF SHIP PROPULSION SYSTEMS 1Gary P. Antonides1...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 6th Propeller and Shafting Symposium, September 17–18, 1991
Paper Number: SNAME-PSS-1991-17
... system design coefficient reaction bearing relation tube bearing torque inertia stiffness upstream oil & gas calculation rotation torsional vibration propeller strut bearing tangential wake engine shaft gear bearing vibration THE SOCIETY OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS...

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