Cavitation extents and cavitation-induced fluctuating pressures on an adjacent body are computed and compared with experimental results for propellers operating in a nonuniform flow Three five-bladed propellers with varying degrees of skew are selected for calculations. An unsteady lifting surface theory based on a discrete vortex/source lattice method was used for the prediction. The effects of skew, leading edge nonlinearity, blade loading and thickness on the cavitation and cavitation induced pressures were investigated. Unsteady induced pressures on a flat plate above the rotating propellers were computed from the field point potential. Without the nonlinear leading edge correction cavitation extents and cavitation-induced cavitation induced pressures were somewhat overpredicted compared with the experimental measurements. When the leading edge correction was included in the computations cavitation extents the fluctuation pressures were unpredicted by predicted blade-frequency induced by non-cavitating propellers showed better agreement with measured values than cavitating propellers. Predictions of the fluctuating pressure induced by cavitating propellers without the leading edge correction were in better agreement with measured values than those with the leading edge correction. Cavity length, volume and induced pressure with reduced with increasing skew.

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