Although, occupational injuries and fatalities onboard merchant ships show decreasing trends over the years, they are still significantly above the rates observed in the land based industries.
This study critically evaluates the maritime occupational injuries and fatalities in international merchant shipping over the last 20 years by reviewing the reported studies and publications; available major data sources and taxonomies around the world with an aim of identifying the causes of those injuries and fatalities. The study, also present the detailed results of the systematic analysis of occupational accident database highlighting main causal factors.
The analyses are carried out by studying the injuries and fatalities separately, in order to have a deeper understanding and better identification of the circumstances leading to injuries and fatalities. The study also presents the design and operational deficiencies leading to occupational accidents onboard merchant ships.
Results of the data analyses clearly indicate that fall overboard of a person is the top immediate causal factor for fatalities, while slips, trips and falls on the same level is the top immediate causal factor for injuries.