An algorithm for quantifying interfaces in general arrangement 2D drawings is the core of this work. The method here presented builds upon an unpublished prototype developed in 2015, representing each relevant GA space as a two-dimensional design block, heavily inspired by the design building block (DBB) philosophy. An algorithm checks the interfaces of all design blocks in real-time and presents a matrix with the quantification. Both algorithm and interactive web-application are available online for use and scrutiny. The idea is relatively simple, almost ludic, but to the knowledge of the authors no similar method has been public available yet. Fancy data-driven graphics are used to grasp interpretations of these values. A proposal for diverse use of interaction data in GA is mentioned in the discussion, as well as an invitation for colleagues to reproduce and improve the method.
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SNAME 14th International Marine Design Conference
June 26–30, 2022
Vancouver, Canada
Quantifying Interfaces in General Arrangement Drawings
Henrique Gaspar;
Henrique Gaspar
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
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David Andrews
David Andrews
University College London
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Paper presented at the SNAME 14th International Marine Design Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 2022.
Paper Number:
June 26 2022
Gaspar, Henrique, and David Andrews. "Quantifying Interfaces in General Arrangement Drawings." Paper presented at the SNAME 14th International Marine Design Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 2022. doi:
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