As aluminum high-speed multi-hulls continue to grow in size, capacity and operational sea state, a need is growing to understand the damage tolerance of these structures. This paper presents a Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) approach to performing damage tolerance assessments of aluminum hull structures using the hydrodynamic analysis and global finite element model developed as part of a class Dynamic Loading Approach (DLA) notation. The LEFM approach is used to calculate the stress intensity factor (K) and the critical crack length throughout the model to screen the entire hull structure and identify fracture critical locations. This paper also investigates the use of elastic-plastic fracture mechanics to predict potential critical crack growth locations, rates, and directions. Fracture critical locations identified and visualized through the analysis provide the ship designer with tools to develop damage tolerant structures. The results of the analysis can also assist owners and regulatory bodies in developing structural inspection and repair plans.

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