Papers presented in recent FAST conferences and prior reports by CISD (the US Navy's Center for Innovation in Ship Design) have made available interesting information of a new hull type denominated “Wedge”. A statement in the latest such paper presented at FAST 2015 by L. Wang et al (Ref. 1) merits special consideration: “Therefore it is extremely important to investigate an doptimize the hydrodynamic performance of this non-conventional ship because of its promising features and unknown flow characteristics.”
Part II presents a review of the wave making characteristics of three vessels: (i) a Transonic Hull (TH) designed by A. Calderon of Transonic Hull Company (THC), (ii) a Transonic Hull imitation denominated Wedge, designed by Navy CISD with a blunt lower bow and lower length/beam ratio, and (iii) the Bulbed Wedge, a modified Wedge with a large bow bulb designed at Davidson Laboratory of Stevens Institute.