Planing hull performance in calm water was modeled numerically using FineMarine, a finite volume-based Navier Stokes solver with free-surface capturing algorithm and RANS turbulence model. The applied free-surface capturing method uses a compressive discretization scheme with interface reconstruction which permits for robust resolution of the density discontinuity between air and water thereby allowing for the study of spray break-up in the context of spray rail design and placement, for example, which is particularly relevant in planing hull hydrodynamics. A USCG 47 ft motor life boat design was used as the geometry in this study. The results were compared against 1/8th scale model test results, obtained from towing tank studies conducted on the same geometry at the Davidson Laboratory. A comparison of the wetted surface, resistance and running trim for four different loading configurations of the hull at three different speed-length-ratios between numerical simulations and model test results is shown.
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Numerical Simulation of Planing Hull Hydrodynamics
Leonard Imas
Leonard Imas
Stevens Institute of Technology
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Paper presented at the SNAME Chesapeake Power Boat Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, June 2012.
Paper Number:
June 15 2012
Garo, Romain , Datla, Raju , and Leonard Imas. "Numerical Simulation of Planing Hull Hydrodynamics." Paper presented at the SNAME Chesapeake Power Boat Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, June 2012. doi:
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