Tunnel hull boats, capable of achieving speeds up to 150 knots, are among the fastest waterborne vehicles. A tunnel hull configuration consists of a platform and two side hulls. The weight of this craft is supported mainly by hydrodynamic forces on the hulls and aerodynamic force on the platform. Utilization of aerodynamic support usually improves the boat’s lift-drag ratio. However, it also leads to deterioration of stability characteristics. Frequent crashes of high-speed boats, including tunnel hulls, show the importance of stability issues. In this study, a mathematical model is developed for vertical-plane motions of tunnel hulls. Nonlinear formulations of the added-mass strip theory and extreme ground effect theory account for unsteady hydrodynamic and quasi-steady aerodynamic forces, respectively. The influence of the system’s geometrical and loading parameters on transitions to unstable regimes is demonstrated. Simulations of unsteady motions, such as responses to wind gusts and behavior in waves, are also shown. The developed mathematical model can be applied for design of a variety of fast boats with aerodynamic support.
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Modeling of Vertical-Plane Motions of a Tunnel Hull Boat
Christopher S. Chaney;
Christopher S. Chaney
Washington State University
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Konstantin I. Matveev
Konstantin I. Matveev
Washington State University
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Paper presented at the SNAME Chesapeake Power Boat Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, June 2012.
Paper Number:
June 15 2012
Chaney, Christopher S., and Konstantin I. Matveev. "Modeling of Vertical-Plane Motions of a Tunnel Hull Boat." Paper presented at the SNAME Chesapeake Power Boat Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, June 2012. doi: https://doi.org/10.5957/CPBS-2012-012
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