This paper presents a simplified approach and interim criteria for computing the average of the 1/Nth highest accelerations when analyzing accelerometer data recorded during trials of manned and unmanned planing craft (on full scale or model scale) during rough water seakeeping trials. The computational approach and the interim criteria are based on analysis practices that have evolved over a number of years at the Combatant Craft Division of Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division as a set of best-practices for achieving repeatability when computations are performed by different data analysts. Fundamental characteristics of craft wave encounters are discussed, and interim criteria for the simplified computational approach are presented. Typical data recorded during full-scale trials of high-speed planing craft are presented to illustrate results of the computational approach. The paper also presents a process for representing mathematically the vertical acceleration response caused by a single wave impact, and presents examples of how the mathematical model can be used to estimate wave impact effects on craft.

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