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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 30th American Towing Tank Conference, October 4, 2017
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2017-0014
... With a renewed global focus on anti-submarine warfare (ASW), the United States Navy will increasingly rely on unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) technology to serve as a cost-effective force multiplier. Modern UUV development necessitates a uniquely constrained, iterative approach...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 30th American Towing Tank Conference, October 4, 2017
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2017-0042
... The Marine Corps has a desire for a high-speed amphibious vehicle for ship-to-shore operations. The Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) was developed to meet this need but the program was cancelled before fielding due to affordability issues. The EFV was a semiplaning amphibious vehicle...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 29th American Towing Tank Conference, August 11–13, 2010
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2010-011
... vehicle shaft speed hull reynolds number effect propeller performance coefficient simulation vector underwater vehicle pitch test propeller correction body-fixed frame equation rudder rudder angle appendage pitch angle A vertically arranged twin-pod autonomous underwater...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 29th American Towing Tank Conference, August 11–13, 2010
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2010-012
... upstream oil & gas vertical plane descent pitch attitude manoeuvre plane deflection overshoot depth-changing manoeuvre plane helix manoeuvre zigzag trajectory memorial university vehicle attitude mun explorer auv propeller rpm cycle length Manoeuvring trials are often...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 29th American Towing Tank Conference, August 11–13, 2010
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2010-005
... The goal of this project is to develop a test platform for measuring SES response to wave loads. The platform is designed and built incorporating a self-propelled vehicle with data acquisition and navigation capabilities. Theoretical analysis is performed, various hardware and electronic parts...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 29th American Towing Tank Conference, August 11–13, 2010
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2010-015
... method termed the momentum boundary layer thickness (MBLT) method has been developed. This method relates the cross flow drag on the FRM with that on the full scale vehicle. Boundary layer velocity profiles on an axisymmetric body at model and full scale Reynolds numbers have been computed by a RANS code...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 27th American Towing Tank Conference, August 6–7, 2004
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2004-015
... mathematical model interrelationship measurement technique full scale test vehicle submersible dredger miner ladder assembly foot soil interface lifting excavation swing angle pipeline average production subsea system cutter operation locomotion process 27th American Towing...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 27th American Towing Tank Conference, August 6–7, 2004
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2004-014
... Helicopters achieve three-dimensional flight using a rotor capable of both collective and cyclic pitch. It was proposed that this type of propulsion system could propel and maneuver an underwater vehicle. A collective pitch and cyclic pitch propeller (CPCPP) was designed and developed as a full...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 26th American Towing Tank Conference, July 23–24, 2001
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2001-011
... level research. This A UV, the C-SCOUT, is expected to serve as a test-bed to assist in the development of future control and propulsion systems, the testing of vehicle components, and as a general research and development tool for years to come. Future versions of C-SCOUT can be configured for a wide...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th American Towing Tank Conference, October 24–25, 1998
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-1998-006
... A wave-following towed planing vehicle operates in head seas, Sea State l and 2, at speeds in excess of l 6 knots (824 m/s). The as-built beam of the vehicle is either 4.25 in (10.8 cm) or 7.75 in (19.7 cm), for the two configurations; V-hull (deadrise pointing outboard) or catamaran (deadrise...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th American Towing Tank Conference, October 24–25, 1998
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-1998-027
... as a function of speed and attack angle. upstream oil & gas north america government photograph united states government tank vehicle strut marine transportation space agency assembly tow tank model deployment investigation controller henoch beauchamp carriage passenger...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, November 2–3, 1995
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-1995-035
... of the Institute for Marine Dynamics (IMD) in St. John's, Newfoundland. The apparatus is designed to perform complex experiments with surface ships, submarines, underwater vehicles, etc. by putting them through pre-defined arbitrary trajectories, measuring the reaction forces and extracting the hydrodynamic...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd American Towing Tank Conference, June 11–12, 1992
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-1992-040
... A mathematical model of a maneuvering amphibious air. cushion vehicle (ACV) is presented. The ACV, studied is of plenum-chamber type with constant pressure applied to the free-surface of the fluid. The main efforts of this paper are concentrated in clarifying the role and the significance...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd American Towing Tank Conference, June 11–12, 1992
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-1992-014
..., and envelope characteristics. Testing of a 10-inch scale model and trials of the full scale propulsion units in both the HWSTD (High Water Speed Technology Demonstrator) and PSD (Propulsion System Demonstrator) developmental vehicles are described and performance data correlations presented. north...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd American Towing Tank Conference, June 11–12, 1992
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-1992-042
... The model to full scale correlation in resistance and powering between two scale model USMC waterjet propelled high speed amphibious vehicles is shown. The estimated required thrust for a 0.295 scale model of the High Water Speed Technology Demonstrator and a 0.245 scale model of the Propulsion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 22nd American Towing Tank Conference, August 8–11, 1989
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-1989-048
... An experiment is described in which riblets, which are longitudinal surface groves that have been shown by NASA to reduce turbulent flow skin friction on flat plates by much as 8 percent, are used to attempt to reduce the overall vehicle drag of rowing shells. Two single rowing shells, borrowed...

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