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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 30th American Towing Tank Conference, October 4, 2017
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2017-0003
[email protected] Frederick Stern, the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA email: frederick-stern@uiowa.edu ABSTRACT Forces and moment and phase-averaged Tomographic PIV (TPIV) local flow measurements are performed in a 3 m × 3 m × 100 m towing tank for a 3.048-m long geometrically similar model of surface...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 26th American Towing Tank Conference, July 23–24, 2001
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2001-020
... assessment solution domain wave-induced separation free-surface boundary condition stern contour simulation RANS Simulation of Free-Surface Wave-induced Separation Around a Surface-Piercing NACA0024 Hydrofoil Submitted for presentation at the 26th American Towing Tank Conference 23-24 July, 2001...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, November 2–3, 1995
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-1995-031
...DETAILED BOW-FLOW DATA AND CFD FOR A SERIES 60 C8=.6 SHIP MODEL FOR FROUDE NUMBER .316 by F. Stern, J. Longo, and Z.J. Zhang Institute of Hydraulic Research The University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 52242 ABSTRACT The bow flow of the Series 60 C8=0.6 ship model is reinvestigated using both experiments...

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