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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 30th American Towing Tank Conference, October 4, 2017
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2017-0014
... coefficient submarine design spiral formulation artificial intelligence diameter operation naval architect uuv hull-form tow-tank testing requirement uuv design vehicle resistance vehicle vehicle design uuv THE 30th AMERICAN TOWING TANK CONFERENCE WEST BETHESDA, MARYLAND, OCTOBER 2017...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 30th American Towing Tank Conference, October 4, 2017
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2017-0003
... the previous UA of 95 = 4.9 in Table 6. For the previous UA the larger asym resulted in a larger 95 than the present UA for both and The UA is also done for the FS coefficients of the time-histories. The estimation of is by propagating the values for those time-histories as shown in Appendix. In the Appendix...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 30th American Towing Tank Conference, October 4, 2017
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2017-0004
... coefficient Draft (m) Wave encounter frequency (Hz) Froude number Gravitational acceleration (m/s2) Metacentric height (m) Wave height (m) Advance coefficient Wave number Proportional gain for PID control Integral gain for PID control Derivative gain for PID control Torque coefficient Thrust coefficient...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 30th American Towing Tank Conference, October 4, 2017
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2017-0045
... Boundary layer first element thickness (m) Beam (m) Courant number Effective horsepower (HP) Total resistance coefficient Frictional resistance coefficient Wave resistance coefficient Molded depth (m) Froude number Length overall (m) Length on the water line (m) Three dimensional form factor on flat plate...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 30th American Towing Tank Conference, October 4, 2017
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2017-0020
...° to 25°. The natural roll period was 2.139 ±0.041 s (±1.9 %). The decay coefficient data were accurately approximated by a plane in three dimensions with Fr and initial roll amplitudes (a) as the independent variables. Examples are provided that show the average values for a single roll decay event from...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 30th American Towing Tank Conference, October 4, 2017
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2017-0053
... within different Froude number ranges. wave resistance calculation institute coefficient triswach model model test resistance resistance coefficient configuration froude number total resistance side hull star-ccm triswach frictional resistance wave-making resistance strips trimaran...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 30th American Towing Tank Conference, October 4, 2017
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2017-0017
... of the position of the wave crest or the vessel s motions, thereby ignoring the time-dependent variation of the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic coefficients and excitation forces. Generally, these methods also consider the ship as a rigid body, and do not consider the flexibility of the hull structure or the effects...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 30th American Towing Tank Conference, October 4, 2017
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2017-0037
... reconstruction zone input probe location probe location wave reconstruction wave system history probe reconstruction zone time record ho method probe data coefficient wave elevation initial condition ho code representation elevation THE 30th AMERICAN TOWING TANK CONFERENCE WEST BETHESDA...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 30th American Towing Tank Conference, October 4, 2017
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2017-0027
... roll angle parametric rolling passenger ship ship radiation force hydrodynamic memory effect beam wind good agreement coefficient numerical model spectrum resonance THE 30th AMERICAN TOWING TANK CONFERENCE WEST BETHESDA, MARYLAND, OCTOBER 2017 Effect of Hydrodynamic Memory on Ship...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 30th American Towing Tank Conference, October 4, 2017
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2017-0050
... is decomposed into frictional resistance and c ft residual resistance. The frictional resistance is computed from a flat plate friction line formula at both model- and c ft full-scale. The residual resistance coefficient is measured model-scale and is assumed to be independent of Reynolds number. Since...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 29th American Towing Tank Conference, August 11–13, 2010
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2010-010
... ocean energy wavemaker amplitude upstream oil & gas surface elevation wave machine transfer function wave board wave generation artificial intelligence absorption wave component wave flume spinneken coefficient surface profile operation spectrum swan force-controlled wave...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 29th American Towing Tank Conference, August 11–13, 2010
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2010-011
... vehicle shaft speed hull reynolds number effect propeller performance coefficient simulation vector underwater vehicle pitch test propeller correction body-fixed frame equation rudder rudder angle appendage pitch angle A vertically arranged twin-pod autonomous underwater...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 29th American Towing Tank Conference, August 11–13, 2010
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2010-025
... series was the largest uncertainty component in resistance from the drag block gages. For example at Fr = 0.41, the residuary resistance coefficient was CR = 0.003721 ±0.000041 (±1.11 %) with about ±0.000031 (±0.83 %) from the block gage measurement. A 4th-order polynomial approximates the experimental...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 29th American Towing Tank Conference, August 11–13, 2010
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2010-018
... to the sensor area. The I-Scan software performs a linear interpolation between zero load and the known calibration load (Tekscan, 2006). When performing a 2-point power law calibration, two different known loads are applied to the sensor area, and together with the zero load, the coefficients of the equation y...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 29th American Towing Tank Conference, August 11–13, 2010
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2010-030
... to operation in an unrestricted waterway. 1.4 Infinite Width Channe Finite Width Channel 1.2 Wave Resistance Coefficient, RC 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 Froude Number, Fr Figure 4: Finite width channel effects Correlation Allowance The correlation allowance is a correction...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 29th American Towing Tank Conference, August 11–13, 2010
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2010-032
... A series of tow tank tests were performed to determine whether the added mass moment of inertia in roll and damping roll coefficient for a planing hull are frequency dependent. The model was forced in roll while running at planing speeds. The model was free to heave and pitch, but restrained...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 27th American Towing Tank Conference, August 6–7, 2004
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2004-002
... Bethesda, MD 20817 1 NOMENCLATURE n Relative AP B CB CP CF CR CT DL Ratio Fn FP FKS I IFractional L LBP LCS LP S SES T TP TSD-0 XC,Center XS,Side XTri,Trimaran Coefficients of the regression equation Side hull length parameter [LS/LC] Displacement Relative displacement of center and side hulls...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 27th American Towing Tank Conference, August 6–7, 2004
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2004-007
... frequency amplitude vibration experiment turbulence cylinder coefficient test apparatus vortex induced vibration amplitude ratio upstream oil & gas experiment lift force lift coefficient natural frequency apparatus vibration viv strake vibration mode Vortex-induced...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 27th American Towing Tank Conference, August 6–7, 2004
Paper Number: SNAME-ATTC-2004-009
... pusher mode tractor mode university pre-sawn ice coefficient propeller institute dynamometer tank international conference podded propulsor newfoundland thrust coefficient ice performance ice test experimental model open water test This paper describes the experimental...

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