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Issue cover
The technical papers in this quarterly flagship journal cover a broad spectrum of research on the latest technological breakthroughs, trends, concepts, and discoveries in the marine industry.
Issue cover
The Journal of Sailing Technology is an online peer-reviewed journal, jointly published by The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) and SNAME's SC-2 Sailing Craft Panel, whose objective is to provide a medium for the publication of research to all aspects of sailing.
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 17th Offshore Symposium, February 2, 2012
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2012-014
... There has been a growing cooperation between the professional societies representing naval architects, marine and ocean engineers. One such cooperation is between the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, SNAME, headquartered in the US and the Shanghai Society of Naval Architects...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, September 27–29, 2022
Paper Number: SNAME-SMC-2022-009
... was discovered. Presented herein is the latest theory explaining the breakup accepted by the SNAME Marine Forensics Committee complete, with supporting evidence. titanic north america government united states government marine transportation passenger transportation strake ship shear strake rmsti...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, October 27–29, 2021
Paper Number: SNAME-SMC-2021-138
... committee marine forensic panel metropolitan section engineer kery bismarck titanic overview panel sd-7 sname marine forensic committee providence symposium wreck SNAME Maritime Convention 2021 27-29 October, Providence, RI Copyright © 2021 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 6–9, 2019
Paper Number: OTC-29646-MS
... In early 2014, the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) OC-8 Panel was formed to address regulatory acceptance of wind tunnel testing for stability calculations of offshore floating production systems governed by the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Initially...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 6–9, 2019
Paper Number: OTC-29289-MS
... Abstract This paper documents the results from the 2017 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) OC-8 Panel Comparative Wind Load Study. Initial unpublished results were presented at a one-day panel at the 2017 SNAME Maritime Convention; however, the final results are brought...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, October 24–27, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-SMC-2018-003
... The SNAME OpenCalc System is built upon an open source framework that allows for the creation of long-lasting and reusable calculations that can be combined in many ways to create completely new solutions by naval architects, not programmers. Flexible calculation tools are created by splitting...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 20th Offshore Symposium, February 17, 2015
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2015-010
... For over 25 years, the offshore industry has relied on the SNAME Guidelines for Wind Tunnel Testing for guidance in wind tunnel testing of MODUs and other offshore vessels for use in stability and drag calculations. In the intervening time, maximum drilling depths have increased three-fold, new...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, October 22–24, 2014
Paper Number: SNAME-SMC-2014-P44
... for creating value and competitive advantage. A common approach to knowledge structuring facilitates the sharing of knowledge and collaboration with others, based on knowledge sharing, which increases the value proposition of organizations like the SNAME. “ The transformation of information into knowledge...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 17th Offshore Symposium, February 2, 2012
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2012-013
... The first edition of T&R Bulletin 5-5A, "Recommended Practice for Site Specific Assessment of Mobile Jack-Up Units" [ref. 1] was published by SNAME in May 1994 and was launched at a meeting during OTC that year. The document had been developed by representatives of all sectors...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twentieth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 20–25, 2010
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-10-587
... Extremes (MPME) and Dynamic Amplification Factor (DAF). Presently, there are four methods recommended by SNAME T&R Bulletin 5–5A (hereafter referred to as "SNAME 5–5A") for predicting the DAFs of overturning moment and base shear, namely the Drag/Inertia parameter method, the Gumbel fitting method...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 1–4, 2000
Paper Number: OTC-12074-MS
... compared with predictions based on the SNAME T&R 5-5A method of jack-up assessment. The trends observed in the measured and theoretical results show generally good agreement, but there is strong evidence that the theoretical methods significantly under-predict the actual seabed fixity available...
Journal Articles
Mar Technol SNAME N 26 (03): 218–232.
Paper Number: SNAME-MTSN-1989-26-3-218
Published: 01 July 1989
...Robert Lowry; Feridun K. Serim This is a report on a 21-day trip made to the Peoples Republic of China in 1986 by twelve SNAME delegates at the invitation of the China Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (CSNAME) under the auspices of People to People International. The delegates...
Journal Articles
J Ship Prod Des 1 (01): 29–53.
Paper Number: SNAME-JSP-1985-1-1-29
Published: 01 February 1985
... production committee avondale shipyard Journal of Ship Production, Vol. 1, No. 1, Feb. 1985, pp. 29-53 The SNAME Ship Production CommitteemOverview F. Baxter Barham, Jr. 1 The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers formed its Ship Production Committee (SPC) in 1970 to address research...
Journal Articles
Mar Technol SNAME N 17 (02): 131–162.
Paper Number: SNAME-MTSN-1980-17-2-131
Published: 01 April 1980
...Michael G. Parsons; Thomas L. LaGuardia This paper presents a FORTRAN IV batch-type computer program for the heat-balance calculation of a nonreheat marine steam plant. The program is in conformance with the commercial practice standards presented in SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3–11...
Yield envelope: (a)  <span class="search-highlight">SNAME</span> (2002)  envelope for combined vertical, horizont...
Published: 10 June 2010
Figure 2 Yield envelope: (a) SNAME (2002) envelope for combined vertical, horizontal, and moment loading, (b) yield-envelope equations, (c) definitions of failure ratio, and (d) contours of failure ratio. More about this image found in Yield envelope: (a) SNAME (2002) envelope for combined vertical, horizont...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, November 1–5, 2016
Paper Number: SNAME-SMC-2016-042
... SNAME's OpenCalc System is used to show how independent calculation programs can be combined to create new solutions by users without having the source code or writing a line of code. The system is based on a new programming architecture that separates calculations, user interfaces, and data...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 18th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, March 2–3, 2007
Paper Number: SNAME-CSYS-2007-013
... THE 18th CHESAPEAKE SAILING YACHT SYMPOSIUM ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND, MARCH 2007 SNAME s Stability Letter Improvement Project (SLIP) for Passenger Sailing Vessels Jan C. Miles, Captain, Pride of Baltimore II, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Bruce Johnson, Co-Chair SNAME Panel O-49, Annapolis, Maryland, USA...
Journal Articles

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