The paper introduces the application of numerical modelling to analysis the alteration of internal forces in composite linings when consideration to change other parameters in the geological conditions of Cu Mong tunnel in Da Nang-Quang Ngai subway project in Viet Nam. The results of analysis show that the distance of steel ribs in composite linings has great influence on the values of internal forces in supports. When increasing the distance between steel ribs, the values of internal forces will be degreased. In addition, the thickness of shotcrete and concrete linings also have influence on the values of internal forces. However, changing the thickness of shotcrete acts to internal forces on linings less than the thickness of concrete lining and distance of the steel ribs.
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ISRM International Symposium on Rock Mechanics and Engineering for Sustainable Energy
November 22–24, 2019
Hanoi, Vietnam
Research on the stability of transported tunnels with other parameters of composite linings
Tran Tuan Minh;
Tran Tuan Minh
Ha Noi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi
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Nguyen Huy Hiep
Nguyen Huy Hiep
Le Quy Don Technical University, Ha Noi
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Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium on Rock Mechanics and Engineering for Sustainable Energy, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 2019.
Paper Number:
November 22 2019
Minh, Tran Tuan, and Nguyen Huy Hiep. "Research on the stability of transported tunnels with other parameters of composite linings." Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium on Rock Mechanics and Engineering for Sustainable Energy, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 2019.
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