
The coal output from longwall along the strike has been account for the majority of the total coal output of Vietnam National Coal - Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited (VINACOMIN) (in 2017 is 16.3 million tons accounting for 84.1%; in 2018 is 178 million tons accounting for 85%). To prepare for mining, each longwall has two preparing roadway to ventilate, transport and a coal pillar to protect for use in the next longwall in lower mining poziom. Coal reserves in pillars account for 12 ÷ 15% of the total reserves in the field of longwall mining. Furthermore, this method has disadvantages such as the hight cost of driving roadway, large coal losses, increasing the mining cost and reducing the efficiency of mine construction investment. Some countries in the world (China, Russia, Poland,...) have successfully applied the solution to exploit and use artificial pillars to replace coal pillars to protect the preparation roadway or mining without coal pillars. The applied results show that: the successful protection of roadway, reducing coal losses and the cost of preparing roadway meters, improving the efficiency of mining investment and lowering the cost of exploitation. This paper will evaluate the potential of applying technology in the conditions of underground coal mines in Quang Ninh.

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