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The experiences of previous earthquakes have shown that the occurrence of liquefaction in the foundation soil during an earthquake can be the main cause of significant damage and often the complete collapse of modern buildings founded on piles. Thanks to a large number of research studies that have been carried out in the last 20 years or so (after the Kobe earthquake in 1995) around the world with the aim of better understanding of the liquefied soil-pile-structure interaction, the possible mechanisms of failure of vertical piles that are a consequence of the liquefaction have been recognised, i.e. the occurrence of lateral permanent movement of the liquefied soil layer.

Also, thanks to the performed investigations, measures to prevent the occurrence of these failure mechanisms were defined. This paper will briefly present the recognized pile failure mechanisms that are a consequence of liquefaction in the foundation soil during an earthquake. Through one specific example, a simplified procedure for checking the safety of vertical RC piles against failure due to exceeding their bending capacity in seismic conditions and occurrence of liquefaction in the foundation soil is proposed. The SeismoStruct software was used, which has the ability to monitor the development of plastic joints in line elements during load application. The proposed procedure is suitable for practical application.

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