Retaining structures in R. of North Macedonia are designed according to the concept of global safety factors, with the conventional methods of limit equilibrium. From the aspect of seismic design, the “Rulebook on Technical Norms for Design and Calculation of Engineering Structures in Seismically Active Areas” (1987) is used. With the adoption of the Eurocodes in R. N. Macedonia, there has arisen the need for their detailed elaboration as well as consideration of differences and similarities with our practice, i.e. rulebooks and regulations that have been valid so far. For that purpose, in this paper a comparison between the mentioned methods and regulations is made, in relation to the theoryand different methodsfor the stability verification of the walls through several examples of stability analysis of cantilever walls with a characteristic height of 3m, 4.5m, 6.0m, 7.5m and 9.0m with main load from earth pressure. As our region is seismically active, special consideration is given to the seismic analysis of the structures, which has shown that in order to ensure stability, the required dimensions of the walls increase significantly in relation to the analysis with static loads only.The obtained results show significant differences between the regulations in the methods for calculation, as well as in the obtained foundation width of the walls.