A great scope of investigation works are performed during the geological-geotechnical investigations and tests for cuts. Some of them are carried out along the entire surface of the cut and beyond, and the investigation boreholes are placed along the axis of the alignment, at the beginning, at the end or at the highest part of the cut. In doing so, it is necessary the investigation works to cover the entire height of the cut and to end below the level of the road. With the execution of investigation works, a lot of geological-geotechnical data is always obtained, and in this paper an example of a complex geological setting of solid bound rocks of the andesite type is presented, among which there are hydrothermally altered, soft and friable andesites. Here, the complex geological setting of the terrain proves that in certain situations the applied investigation works are not enough to define it, which can be seen in the construction phase when the cut is fully excavated. As a result of this, the protection measures are adapted to the real conditions after the full completion of the excavation.