During the execution of geological-geotechnical investigations and tests for cuts, the planned investigation works usually cover the positions along the axis of the alignment at the beginning, at the end or at the highest part of the cut. If the investigations are planned in uniform geological mediums, some of them may not be carried out due to many factors, but the geological-geotechnical conditions for construction can still be realistically assessed. This is applicable in practice, for example with limestone masses where a great number of geomechanical stations and discontinuities measurements are performed and sufficient number of samples for laboratory tests are sampled. In this paper, two examples of the construction of cuts from projects realized in N. Macedonia are presented, where, due to the complex geological setting of the terrain, it turned out that the planned investigation works are not sufficient, which can be seen even in the construction phase when the cut is fully excavated. To support this conclusion, geological-geotechnical layouts from the Detailed Design and the current state during the construction of part of the expressway A1 section Gradsko-Drenovo and expressway A4 section Shtip - Radovish are shown.