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Keywords: terrain
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Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-032
... Neogene basin ("Fürstenfelder Becken"), which consists of Miocene deposits, built by marine base sediments. These rocks are heterogeneous sequences of silts, clays and fine to medium sand layers, with minor parts of gravel. In the eastern part of the tunnel a terrain modelling (landscaping) with a length...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 14th ISRM Congress, September 13–18, 2019
Paper Number: ISRM-14CONGRESS-2019-418
... Abstract Practical case studies show that current design procedures of rockfall nets do not consider all possible impact processes in natural terrain. Barriers fail because of a high component of rotational speed of the impacting blocks or hits to corner or end fields of the barrier section...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 12th ISRM Congress, October 16–21, 2011
Paper Number: ISRM-12CONGRESS-2011-177
... regulations and volcanic terrains. Once the type of building and type of terrains are defined, guide criteria must apply in order to determine the minimum intensity and extent of the field exploration activities. However, the minimum depth surveys has been established taking into account the peculiarities...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 10th ISRM Congress, September 8–12, 2003
Paper Number: ISRM-10CONGRESS-2003-141
... behaviour of the terrain for tunnels of average to good quality in rock, and to excavation sections of average or smaller dimensions for road tunnels. The results show that, in all cases, mathematical expressions to obtain induced displacements around tunnel excavations, have similar pattern than Kirsch...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 9th ISRM Congress, August 25–28, 1999
Paper Number: ISRM-9CONGRESS-1999-304
... ont evalue les caracteristiques mecaniques des terrains et presentent la demarche qu'Ils ont suivie pour concevoir et calculer les fondations de cet ouvrage exceptionnel. . . . - " ZUSAMMENFASSUNG : Urn den Tal Uberden Fluss Tam zu Uberqueren , wird die Autobahn Clermont-Ferrand-Beziers eine 2'460...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 9th ISRM Congress, August 25–28, 1999
Paper Number: ISRM-9CONGRESS-1999-005
... eventuel debourrage des remblais sous-jacents, Le principe du bouchon en galerie est tres similaire it celui developpe pour les puits, mais il doit, en plus, conforter les terrains en arriere de l'orifice sur une distance suffisante pour eviter tout risque de rernontee de fontis. Selon I'inclinaison de la...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 7th ISRM Congress, September 16–20, 1991
Paper Number: ISRM-7CONGRESS-1991-320
... In cooperation to with this difficult and importsnt problem. ' 2.0 CRUSTALSTRUCTUREANDDEFORMATION 2.1 Geotectonic BackgrOund Th. g.ot.ctonlc background repre.ent. the geodynamic condition. of terrain masse. in which the planned project I. located. Terrain mas.e. with different g.otectonlc background. ar...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 7th ISRM Congress, September 16–20, 1991
Paper Number: ISRM-7CONGRESS-1991-250
... sou tenement gneiss longueur Algiers Subway épaisseur convergence beton projete tunnel une valeur moyenne terrain repartition pratiquement uniforme cintre Travaux ce genre une couche Alger creusement ABSTRACT: In the framework of the underground transportation system...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 7th ISRM Congress, September 16–20, 1991
Paper Number: ISRM-7CONGRESS-1991-135
... etudiees dans un autre contexte industriel. II- APPROCHE METHODOLOGIQUE ET ETUDEPARAMETRIQUE L"exemple etudie, situe à 500m de profondcurest constitue d"un ensemble de cavites creusees dans des terrains fortement anisotropes et traverses de discontinuites naturelles très inclinees sur I"horizontale...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 7th ISRM Congress, September 16–20, 1991
Paper Number: ISRM-7CONGRESS-1991-191
... reservoir simulation reinforcement terrain longueur metals & mining profondeur coefficient du site footwall slope fosse 4 bane boulonnage fonction glissement nord-ouest Gard rupture valeur approfondissement mecanique RESUME: La decouverte de Grand Baume dans le...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 6th ISRM Congress, August 30–September 3, 1987
Paper Number: ISRM-6CONGRESS-1987-184
... - LEUR ENVIRONNEMENT Les phenomènes dynamiques observes au cours des dix dernieres annees dans les mines de cherbon françaises, peuvent se regrouper en deux categories: * les coups de terrain ("coal bumps" 'de la terminologie anglosoxonne) qui effectent les couches de charbon au voisinage des...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 4th ISRM Congress, September 2–8, 1979
Paper Number: ISRM-4CONGRESS-1979-081
... pr~vision des affaissements miniers se fait g~n~ralement avec des abaques etablis a partir de nombreuses mesures in situ ; mais la nature des terrains de recouvrement est rarement prise en compte. Lorsque des ecarts importants sont observ~s entre pr~visions et affaissements mesur~s, l'explication en...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 4th ISRM Congress, September 2–8, 1979
Paper Number: ISRM-4CONGRESS-1979-123
...AUSCULTATION FINE D'UN GLiSSEMENT DE TERRAIN A L'AIDE D'INSTRUMENTS NOUVEAUX Precise Monitoring of a Landslide by Means of New Devices Feinbeobachtungen an einer Rutschung mittels neuartiger Instrumente Par M. P.J. DEBREUILLE.Chef du Service Essais et Mtrologie Coyne et Bellier Paris " M. J.B...
Proceedings Papers
M.M. Pechalat, Pechalat Vienne, M. Chambon, M.M. Lebrun, Tincelin Tincelin, M.M. Comes, Cordel Cordel, Marin Marin, M. Fourmaintreaux, M. Louis, J.F. Raffoux
Paper presented at the 4th ISRM Congress, September 2–8, 1979
Paper Number: ISRM-4CONGRESS-1979-107
... sur roche fonctionnement molette poussee chantier theorique terrain mecanique tunnelier France resistance coupe vitesse etude outil diametre galerie par entre RECENTS DEVELOPPEMENTS DANS L'APPROCHE GEOTECHNIQUE DE L'ABATTAGE MECANISE EN FRANCE Recent geotechnical works...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 4th ISRM Congress, September 2–8, 1979
Paper Number: ISRM-4CONGRESS-1979-159
... SUMMARY: A new method whereby the heterogeneous character of fissuration in rock masses can be investigated and plotted has been presented in the paper. Work on engineering geological sections through terrain with zones of varying degree of fissuration of the rock mass is based on a close...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 4th ISRM Congress, September 2–8, 1979
Paper Number: ISRM-4CONGRESS-1979-224
... It is very difficult to study theorically, in a convenient way, the phenomenon of subsidence due to underground excavations. It is a problem of deformation of great masses of terrain which are nearly always heterogeneous and anisotropical. The different spots of the ground follow trajectories of very diverse...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 2nd ISRM Congress, September 21–26, 1970
Paper Number: ISRM-2CONGRESS-1970-012
... finition par chelle du terrain entier fissure selon trique illement affleurement inclinaison selon photographique thode entre fissure mesurage terrain dimension termination Zusammenfassung Grundsätzlich wird die Möglichkeit bewiesen, Spaltbreiten und die echten Abstände...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 2nd ISRM Congress, September 21–26, 1970
Paper Number: ISRM-2CONGRESS-1970-034
... the determined calibrated and by chance selected parts of the terrain / galleries, shafts, parts uniformely arranged on the terrain considered. The following occurrences may be secorded in regard to their dip and strike: — cracks — joints — joint dimensions — joint extent — filling and the type...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 2nd ISRM Congress, September 21–26, 1970
Paper Number: ISRM-2CONGRESS-1970-167
... l’équilibre des terrains dans un ,,volume d’influence" autour du chantier. Dans ce volume se produisent des déplacements et des modifications de contraintes. Une galerie sus-jacente ou sous-jacente à l’exploitation soumise à la conjonction de ces deux effets subit: — un déplacement d’ensemble vers le haut...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 2nd ISRM Congress, September 21–26, 1970
Paper Number: ISRM-2CONGRESS-1970-211
... expliciterons tout d’abord succintement le rôle des contraintes naturelles et nous monterons que dans certains cas, celles-ci peuvent rendre le prédécoupage impossible ; ensuite nous verrons comment on peut tourner la difficulté, en réalisant une «détente» préalable des terrains. Summary This note shows how...