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Keywords: shear test
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Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics, May 10–13, 2015
Paper Number: ISRM-13CONGRESS-2015-187
...IN SITU SHEAR TESTING OF SIMULATED DAM CONCRETE-ROCK INTERFACES *C. Gravel1, Z. Moradian1, 2, A. Fathi1, G. Ballivy1 and P. Rivard1 1. Université de Sherbrooke 2500 boul. de l Université Sherbrooke, Canada J1K 2R1 2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Department of Civil and Environmental...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 12th ISRM Congress, October 16–21, 2011
Paper Number: ISRM-12CONGRESS-2011-011
... of normal (K n ) and shear (K s ) stiffness of rock mass under various conditions of joint system is covered in some detail. When dilatancy component is separated in direct shear tests, the scale effect appears to be insignificant. Further, when to adopt equivalent continuum model for rock mass is suggested...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 12th ISRM Congress, October 16–21, 2011
Paper Number: ISRM-12CONGRESS-2011-093
... ABSTRACT This paper presents results of a series of direct shear tests performed on claystone-steel interface in both "dry" (meaning at the water content of core sample, which may be slightly desaturated) and "wet" conditions (meaning after water inflow at the interface). These results...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 12th ISRM Congress, October 16–21, 2011
Paper Number: ISRM-12CONGRESS-2011-100
... Reservoir Characterization fracture size shear behavior reservoir geomechanics replica mortar fracture replica mortar replica asperity Wellbore Design aperture monotonic shear loading shear displacement MPa matedness shear test initial aperture Upstream Oil & Gas normal...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 12th ISRM Congress, October 16–21, 2011
Paper Number: ISRM-12CONGRESS-2011-209
... to reproduce the laboratory shear tests and to be applied for rock mass stability evaluation under cyclic loading. shear apparatus roughness geometry strength normal stress procedure Upstream Oil & Gas cyclic load discontinuity mechanical behaviour Rock Mech Reservoir Characterization...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 12th ISRM Congress, October 16–21, 2011
Paper Number: ISRM-12CONGRESS-2011-117
... in the stability assessment of the rock foundations, therefore, the mechanical properties of discontinuities, especially their shear behavior need to be adequately estimated. The shear behavior of rock fractures is usually estimated through direct shear tests at relatively low shear velocities. When a rock mass...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 12th ISRM Congress, October 16–21, 2011
Paper Number: ISRM-12CONGRESS-2011-116
... ABSTRACT Mechanical properties of rock mass and its stability are highly affected by the mechanical and geometrical characteristics of discontinuities. One of the most important characteristics of discontinuities is shear strength and shear behavior observed in direct shear test. The direct...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 11th ISRM Congress, July 9–13, 2007
Paper Number: ISRM-11CONGRESS-2007-097
... ABSTRACT Laboratory shear tests of rock joints are the common tool to evaluate the shear strength. Their results are fundamental to assess the safety conditions of Rock Engineering projects. This paper will present the different types of tests that can be carried out, with a special focus...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 11th ISRM Congress, July 9–13, 2007
Paper Number: ISRM-11CONGRESS-2007-103
... dilational and frictional contributions from the shear resistance. The dilation potential is introduced as a measure for the potential normal displacement of a joint under applied normal stress and stiffness.A series of direct shear tests of joint replicas under varying normal stiffness, initial normal...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 11th ISRM Congress, July 9–13, 2007
Paper Number: ISRM-11CONGRESS-2007-094
.... The constant normal load (CNL) is the most widely used for shear test and produces the lowest shear strength and different behavior. In this study, the shear behavior under constant normal stiffness (CNS) condition is replicated by graphic method normalizing the test results under constant normal load (CNL...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 11th ISRM Congress, July 9–13, 2007
Paper Number: ISRM-11CONGRESS-2007-104
..., Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran ABSTRACT: During the shear sliding under normal and shear load, the both surfaces of a rock fracture are subjected to damage when the yield strength of fracture is reached. Laboratory shear tests on samples with different sizes showed...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 11th ISRM Congress, July 9–13, 2007
Paper Number: ISRM-11CONGRESS-2007-079
... developed and employed to the shear test. The tests were conducted on the joints molded out of hydrostone. The joint surfaces were shaped to simulate asperities from natural rock joint. Under a constant normal stress and a free condition of dilatancy, pitch and roll, direct shear test were conducted...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 10th ISRM Congress, September 8–12, 2003
Paper Number: ISRM-10CONGRESS-2003-054
... properties. wellbore integrity Upstream Oil & Gas roughness Artificial Intelligence replica direct shear test reservoir geomechanics Wellbore Design scale effect Reservoir Characterization construction materials rock joint concrete fracture replica stiffness concrete replica shear...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 10th ISRM Congress, September 8–12, 2003
Paper Number: ISRM-10CONGRESS-2003-134
... The study of the hydromechanical behaviour of fractured rock masses requires a detailed knowledge of the isolated fractures. The aim of the paper is the simulation of the evolution of the void space, located between both walls of a fracture, during a shear test under constant normal stress...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 9th ISRM Congress, August 25–28, 1999
Paper Number: ISRM-9CONGRESS-1999-289
...), '< i \ " ') ~ i' ~, l..l t:.n· t I I' Figure 1: Conventional, aarl-ord bulb, nutcase and birdca~ cables. Hutchins et al. (1990), Rajaie (1990), Hyett et al (1992a,b), Goris (I 99Oa,b». However, there is a wide scatter in the ob- tained results, which, more than anything is related to the di- renee in test setup. Test setups can be classified, based on the possibility of the cable to rotate., as "rotating" and "non- rotating". In some of the tests, there is a long length' of cable left unembeded between the pulling end and the testing sec- tion. Laboratory tests performed by Stillborg (1984). Rajaie (1990) are some examples. In these tests, the cable is allowed to rotate and since the torsional rigidity of the strand is low, lower ranges for bond capacity are reported. In the case of a non-rotating test. "suchas those performed by Fuller and Cox (1975), Goris (l990a,bJ and Hyett et al. (l992a,b), a consider- able amount of grout flutes have to be sheared during pool, which results in higher load capacities. A non-rotating test re- sults in a hardening profile' such as the one that is shown in Figure 2 j. '1 ~. '1'; 'J"t"i t) H ' ':tf.f , h ,J 4J'" J FJi At,l i i'tJ) '4 l 1 t ~ J ,J( t J! t "r # ;; :'1: ] ;1. ~ J' 3 .BOND FAILURE MECHANISM IN CABLE BOLTS ·F wrrn MODIFIED GEOMETRY ~ "' ~ ;. t r , Tests performed on the conventional cable bolts showed that although the ultimate capacity of a cable is about 260 kN. cable slides through grout at much lower loads. To increase the fric- tional properties of the cable smface modified geometry cables are used. In a field test, a comparison between pull test results for conventional versus nutcase cable by Bawden and Hyett (1992)"showec!'a 200% increase in bond strength in the latter' (Figure 2). Realising the notable improvement in bond capac- ity by a'small change in the cable geometry, a comprehensive investigation was performed to clear the mechanism of the as- sociated bond failure mechanism the details of which is dis- cussed in Moosavi, (1997). Laboratory tests on Garford bulb 1463' under constant confining pressure provided pull test results t I such as the one depicted in Figure 3.: ~ ' . . 300 2.50 200 ~ 'i 1.50oS 3 ~ 100 .50 . ,. ~.Axial. Displacement (mm) 'J " Figure 2: A t)pic:al pullout taIt result OIl conVClllional8l1d modified ~ omdry cable. ,f Nutcase pull test results 300 250 ~ 200 'i '.o ' ~ ISOoa, ~ . T I I I o :' 10 20 ( ,30. . 40 I Axial Displacement (ODD) Figure 3: PIIUN taIt results CDNw:ue cable. I! t ' J I.. x t . , 5 MPa lt-2~MPa I I I t-, tt 100 so , .. . , I .f df . il r l .i '1 Figure 4 is an open view of a grouted Garford bulb cable. As clearly shown. there is an exposed area of cement captured . within the deformed structure. During pull, these grout bridges must shear OIl the predefined plane determined by the geome- try of the cable. The mechanism here js therefore shearing across the grout annulus and this has a significant effect on the overall response of the cable samples. -~ . .1 I" - Grout 1lricla- thtItmllllt __ ~ pdl l . 4: f 1· n tt ~ . Figure 4: An cpalview of. Oarford bulb'lIIIJ1Ile der taIt , , >Jf'h'; Since in the tested cables, grout was forced to fail on a "predefined" shear plane (the interface between cable and ce- ment), detailed information about shear properties of the ce- ment seemed to be necessary. By performing direct shear tests on grout cylinders at 0.4 and 0.5 w:c ratio after 28...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 9th ISRM Congress, August 25–28, 1999
Paper Number: ISRM-9CONGRESS-1999-108
.... The fmite element model can be made accurately and easily by this method. Therefore, the input data for calculation by the homogenization analysis are digital image of crack distribution and mechanical properties of intact rocks (stiffnesses and strengthes). 3 EXAMPLES OF ANALYSIS 3.1 Direct shear test...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 9th ISRM Congress, August 25–28, 1999
Paper Number: ISRM-9CONGRESS-1999-157
...Direct shear tests under constant normal stiffness and fluid flow \. Essais de cisaillement direct avec rigidite normale constante et ecoulement de fluide Direkter Scherversuch bei konstanter Steifigkeit und FIOssigkeitsstrom I R.OLSSON, Gr0ner AS, Lysaker, Norway (Formerly: Chalmers University...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 9th ISRM Congress, August 25–28, 1999
Paper Number: ISRM-9CONGRESS-1999-143
... Upstream Oil & Gas shear behavior specimen shear strength Wellbore Design displacement consideration asperity angle basic friction angle peak shear strength Reservoir Characterization strength rock joint joint surface roughness shear test wellbore integrity friction friction...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 8th ISRM Congress, September 25–29, 1995
Paper Number: ISRM-8CONGRESS-1995-021
... displacement cyclic loading test bearing capacity shear test foundation physical nature Study on the physical nature of rock mass by large model in-situ test Etude sur la nature physique des massifs rocheux par des tests in situ de grande envergure Studie uber die physikalischen Eigenschaften von...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the 7th ISRM Congress, September 16–20, 1991
Paper Number: ISRM-7CONGRESS-1991-252
... Upstream Oil & Gas direct shear test shear direction geometry Reservoir Characterization vertical displacement displacement perpendicularly shear force shear resistance shear test joint surface strength shear box knowledge ellipse normal force steel bolt diameter test...