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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-172
... ABSTRACT: The earthquake-damaged investigation found that tunnel structures crossed the active fault zone, and its affected area suffered the most severe damage. Through model tests and numerical simulations, the paper reveals the failure mechanism of the utility tunnel structure with flexible...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-160
... evaluation deformation characteristic criterion engineering applied mechanics department strength anisotropy lesser himalaya investigation college 15th ISRM Congress 2023 & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium. Schubert & Kluckner (eds.) © ÖGG Evaluation of natural foliation effect on deformation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-167
... are usually necessary to transfer the tensile loads from the cables into the subsoil. riser corrosion flowline corrosion double-corrosion-protected self-drilling micropile figure 3 investigation austria government pipeline corrosion foundation resin figure 4 graz europe government...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-161
... of the Bushveld Complex near the town of Rustenburg (Figure 1). The mine employs a bord and pillar mining configuration at a depth of less than 500 m below surface. Prior to the investigations, a total of 26 Falls of Ground (FOGs) were investigated at the mine over a five-year period (2017-2021). Most...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-155
... attempted to alleviate the associated computational burden by neglecting the matrix, but the impact of such a simplification remains unclear. This study systematically investigates the effects of matrix on tracer transport processes under various fracture/matrix parameters and tracer injection conditions...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-162
..., damaging the transportation system. However, as transportation should not be interrupted, it is crucial to urgently address the research tasks of quickly detect road slope disasters, planning effective investigation operations, analyzing the triggering factors, providing rescue strategies, and suggesting...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-157
... ABSTRACT: This paper describes a case study of cause investigation and countermeasure on pavement failure and flooding in a under service tunnel during a heavy rain constructed by NATM in limestone geology. Since caverns of various sizes were confirmed and a large amount of groundwater flowed...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-243
... of OPA in-situ. For the interpretation of radial pressures, the mechanical properties of the annular gap grout were explored and the impact of thermal strains on measured radial stresses was investigated with numerical simulations. Here we discuss key results obtained from the new Belchen tunnel that can...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-154
... ABSTRACT: The preparation of a consistent ground model in mining and civil construction requires a clear understanding of the geological and geotechnical data collected during the different investigation phases. Drill core logging data may be collected during distinct steps in the drill core...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-200
... quarry upstream oil & gas sedimentology reservoir characterization htai dam discontinuity information piezometer granodiorite gneiss investigation requirement foundation tiwag-tiroler wasserkraft ag orientation deposit monitoring layout 15th ISRM Congress 2023 & 72nd Geomechanics...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-133
... ABSTRACT: A step-by-step approach is being adopted worldwide with respect to site selection for the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW). Korea also adopted a three-step approach. In order to conduct systematic and efficient site investigation and site evaluation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-012
... sedimentary rock structural geology rock type hydrogeology tunnel karstification detection investigation ground transportation rail transportation geological subdiscipline remediation excavation limestone europe government construction slovenia government tunnel construction ljubljana...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-480
... ABSTRACT: Aktogay is a large open pit copper mine in Kazakhstan. Several geotechnical investigations have been completed from initial scoping and feasibility studies to continuous improvement studies during mining. Rock slope design has involved several phases of stability analyses for various...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-008
... with the dominating behaviour of the jointed rock mass, there was a need of complex modelling techniques and considerations in design. The contribution gives an overview over the project, including the morphology, the ground investigation and classification and special risk scenarios. It also provides an insight...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-005
... advancement kameng hydro electric project thickness asia government river reservoir characterization hrt criticality investigation challenge 15th ISRM Congress 2023 & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium. Schubert & Kluckner (eds.) © ÖGG Challenges faced and mitigation measures adopted in construction...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-002
... hydrogeological and natural aspects into account. Both variants have a very high impact and require very different requirements on the planning and selection of suitable tunneling methods. In this article the relevant geotechnical, geophysical and rock-mechanical investigations and findings are presented...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-047
... ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of the brittleness indices (B1 and B2) on the rockburst damage potential classification performance using Artificial Neural Network classifiers. Rockburst incident cases from seismically active mines are used to implement...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th ISRM Congress, October 9–14, 2023
Paper Number: ISRM-15CONGRESS-2023-046
... normally weaker in relation to the surrounding rock mass is a result of a catastrophic event, merely by the change in its dip. From the investigations it was deduced that when there is a change in the dip of the orebody the surrounding rock mass characteristics allow the orebody to behave in a similar...

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