There are unconsolidated layers with more than 100 m thickness of Cainozoic era vastly existed in Huang-Huai plain of China. Deformation and subsidence of the unconsolidated strata are major causes of not only surface subsidence in cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Tianjin etc. but serious failure accidents of more than 40 shafts also in China since 1987. Based on the researches of subsidence and deformations of the strata, surface subsidence and hydro-geological observations, soil engineering test, physical analogue test and finite element analysis, combined with practical examples of engineering, a comprehensive studies has been carried out during the past three years.


Cet article presente principalenment I'intluence de I'etploitation sur l'eau versee dans la mine par les couches de qualernaire meubles contenue l'eau,cela entraTner une grande baisse de la pression de l'eau dans les couches meubles,selon les measures des affaissments miniers,des hydrologies et les resultats des analyses theorique,des essais de sol. D'apres la principe de l'immobilisation de sol et la caractere de deformation des couches meubles utiliser le calcul de la Methode des Elements Finis et l'essai en sirnulant.analiser l'intluence sur des detruisements de puit par la deformation baissee des couches. Cet article presente aussi l'effet de la prophylaxie et amenagement d'un puit de la mine de Xinglongzhuang aux Houilleres du Bassin de Yanzhou, par une methode dite cannelure dêtente et injection d'argile à l'arriere de la paroi de puit.


Auf dem Huang-Huai Gebiet in China steht ueberall die vierte Serie von den lockeren Schichten mit der Dicke von mehr als 100m an. Die Deformation und die Senkung der lockeren Schichten sind nicht nur der Haupteinflupfaktor von der Bodensenkung in den Staedten Shanghai, Hangzhao,Tianjin u.s.w.,sondem die Hauptursache der Zerstoerungsunfaelle,die seit dem Jahre 1987 bei den mehr als 40 Schachtanlagen in China aufgetreten sind. Aufgrund der Forschungs taetigkeit fue Boden senkung und-deformation der Messangen fue Bodensendung und Wasser, der Bodentests,der analogen Modellexperimente,der FEB Analyse und der praxischen Beispiele werden im vergangenen 3 Jahren eine Polytechnische Forschungsarbest durchgefuehrt.

Strata structural composition and its hydro-geological features

The deep and thick unconsolidated strata in Huang-Huai plain are generally a complex structure consisting of several water-bearing and water-resisting layers deposited in turn. For example, the strata in Linhuan coal field consists of 4 aquifers and 3 watertight layers. The condition of geo-engineering and hydrogeology of the strata is shown in Table 1.

No.1 aquifer is directly supplied by atmospheric precipitation and groundwater. It is also the main water source for mine production and life. The level of No.1 aquifer has a change about 2m from different seasons within a year induced by non-even-distributed atmospheric precipitation.

Water level reducing constantly and dramatically of No.4 aquifer of the Quaternary Period unconsolidated layers induced by water withdrawing down into coal mines due to underground coal mining,. An average water head reducing rate of No.4 aquifer is 9.8 m/a in Linhuan coal mining areas (Fig. 1).

Strata deformational characteristics induced by underground water withdrawing

According to soil consolidation principle, there are four items of' deformational characteristics of the unconsolidated layers such below

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